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_ P VlO0tL'ViD5 Vi_OjLiVl_ Fig P51 Heater h8l_es separaIed Fig g _3 p_a___g o_ __e o _ _ __i _ b _ _ _ rm s a _gpi 8ry u e _ _ REMOVING HEATER _HE_K_NG _ELL SyS7EM The heater iS renloVed aS a Co_plete unjf aç __ean _he oufg_de of the çe__ guStem d _ _f _ _ an ower i COrdlng tO the follOWing CappIieS also to repairs to under pressure but _a_ _ _ kp/ç_2 (_ 7 g ) _ fp _ in o _ F __ ) ' _ _ ' __ _ Or rep aCement O Ce SyStem heafed wafer femperature aopro 7O go_ _ (_5_ _ _ ,, . - 1 Draln the Coolant 1 76'_f) The çe__ Sygfem Seamg a e t_n _d d _h r so ere e_ _ _ - . 2 DISCOnneCt the hoSeS at the Çef_ SySfem and çonneÇtion pipeg are hard go_dered AFt er any_ - . the heater COntrOl Valve aISo the CableS from _eakage point haS been diSÇovered ç_e th tan e po_n_ , the fan mOtor in queStion very thorouoh_v go th t fh _d _ _ a e new So er_ 3 DISCOnneCt the heater freSh-air Intake çan fi__ fhe gap proper_y _ _ . 4 UnSCreW the preSSUre regUlator braÇkef and Afier çomp_etino the Sea_ no çh k fh __v I _ re eç e çe_ , - allOW the regUlatOr tO remain hanging In the gyStem for _eakaoe in aÇçordanÇe wjfh fhe ab ev ov hOSeS tegfino proçedurev_ . 5. UnSCrew the heater's four attaching nufS. 6. RemoVe the defroSter hoSeS and d_gçonneÇf the ASSEM_L_NG HEA7ER heatef COntrol VaIVe and the WireS from the 1 _heçk the ghufferS fo ak th d tm e Sure ey o no_ COntrOlS jam or are _ooge _ . 7 L_ft Out the heater With the heater control vaIve 2 _nSta__ the thermoStat Çap___a f b S F_ry u e ee ig_ _ _ , . 8_53_ DISMAN7LING HEA7ER 3 Where needed aoo_v new __ d __ _ Sea ing çompoun_ _ . 1 UnSCreW the fan mofor PlaCe it _n the joInt betWeen both fhe ha_veg of_ . 2 UnSCrew the sCrewS ho_djng fogefher the the heatef before SCrewlng them togefher (gee_ heater haIVeS and Separate them (fig. g-51). flg. 8-54). 3. L_ft out the çe_l Sygfem (Fig. g_52) 4. SCrew on the fan motor. I_ J t V_O_jL_V_Oi VlOO5tVl_ Fig 8 52 Cell system ta_en out F_ g _ S i_ _ _ _ _ _- _ ig ea ing ea er join_ _ - _ 8'_ 19
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