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vo _P__ Fig_ 8_42_ Filling sealing st,ip lo, doo, ope,_,g ''O''''l''_ the ridges in posit_on _n the ra il and press down the other ri'dge into the rai I with the he_p of a wooden putty knife. Move the kn ife a long the ra_l as shown in Fig. 8-4O. F.,g. g_. F.,,,.,,g ,,,_.,,g ,,,.,p _,, d,,, SEALING STRl P FoR Doo R opEM I NG The strip wh ich seals all round the door open ing in the body is fiKed to the opening's spot-welded REAR _UARTE R Wl NDOW flange. __o remove the strip. first releage it with a EKcept for remova I and fitting of the electr_ç çab_es, WOOden Putty knife (see F_g. 8-4 1 ) and then pul l see corresponding section under __ Rear w_ ndow_ _. oFf the strip from the flange. The strip is fitted by pressi ng it firmly aga inst the flange with the hand (see fig. 8_42). Seaj I _g Stf_ _S DOOR STRlp S EALl N G STRl P FO R LuGGAGE _o_pART_ENT The Seal Ing StripS are SeCured by means of Spot- L_ D welded fasten ing rai Is. A sea __ ng str_p _is removed by pu_ __ ng __t outwards, The StFlp, Wh_ Ch IS gl Ued in a gfooVe in the body. so that the r__dge oF the str_ p re_eases From the l S S Uitably replaCed in the following way_. ra_ l. When fitt_ng the sea__ng str_p, p_açe one oF 1 _ Remove the old strips and clean the sheet- metal thorough Iy from any stripping. Use th in_ ner. gaso1ine or simi lar. Take care not to _ . damage the pa intwork with fhe clean ing agent 2. Clean the new rubber strips with gasol ine or methylated spi rit. 3. Coat the rubber strips with contact gl ue and Iet them dry SuffiCiently so that they are not sticky and then fit the strips. 4. Coat the surfaces i n the groove where the strip is to be fitted with contact g _ue. 5. Press the non-sticky rubber strips on (o the newly a ppl _ed g lue _n the groove. Press the str_p on f_rmly so that no air bubbles rema in in the g lue joint Let the contact glue dry for v,,u,Lv,o, about 1 5 min uteS before CloSi ng the luggage Fig_ _41 _ Removing sealing st,ip lor dDDr opening çompartment _ _d. 8_. 1 5
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