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FITTl N_ REAR Wl NDOW 1 . Moisten the outer edge of the window and fit on a rubber strip slarting at one of the corners. Adjust the strip so that it is f_tted properly all round. 2. Fit a cord (preferably terylene _ 4 mm = 5/32'') in the groove of the rubber strip for the sheet- metal edge. beginning at the top centre as shown in Fig. 8_38. v_o$Lv,_o 3. Place the rear window with rubber stri p i n F,$. g.3g. p,_,,g __,_,,g ,o,d ,, ,,bbe, ,_;p positíon. Wearing Working g loveS, CarefUl Iy strike the window a few blows with the pa Im of the hand to ensure that it makes good con- 6. With a seal ing compound gun fill in between tact all round. Careful Iy pu l l out the cord from windshield - rubber strip and between rubber inside. This w_l I cause the rubber strip to strip - body with seali ng compound. _ creep'' over the sheet-meta l edge as shown _. C_ea, o_ g,rp_,g gea_ ;,g çompou,d From the in Fig. 8-39. It may sometimes be necessary body a,d w,,dgç,ee, w_th to_uene. to adjuSt the poSition of the window w_th the g F,t the tr._m mou_d._ng .;n açço,da,çe w._th palm of the hand. If the cord feels stiff to pul l ' prev.,oug .,,gtruçt.,ong and the w.,per a,mg out, there is risk of damage to the strip, and ' to avoid this, strike the window from inside N . B. The Sealed )OintS must n Ot Come in contaCt w._th the pa_m oF the ha,d a,d v._çe verga ._F the with water for at least one hour after the seal ing rubber gtr.,p doeg not ..ç,eep., ove, the edge has been carried out. oF the gheet-meta_ proper_y. 4. Check that the rubber strip seals well all round. If necessary adjust the p.osition of the rear REMOVl NG ffEAR WIN DOW w__ndow both vert__ça_ _y a,d _ate,a__y by gtr__k_,,g 1 . Remove the upper rear side panels and diScon- with the pa_m of the ha,d. nect the cable from the contacts on the rear 5. Seal the jointg be_een the rubber gtrip a,d WindoW. window a,d rubber gtrjp a,d gheet meta_ wjth 2. Remove the trim moulding in accordance with sealing compound. using a gun with a flat nylon previous instructions. nozzle. Make sure that the sealing compound 3. _e_eage the rubber gtr_p F,om the w_,,dow a,d fills the joint well. Scrape off surp Ius compound From the body by _,,ge,t_,g a ny_on putty k,_,Fe and WaSh the windoW #nd Sheet metal with mo__gte,ed ,n gy,thet__ç wagh_,,g go_ut_;o, (the naphta. Then Clean and pol ish round the window pu_y k,,Fe ghou_d be mo_jgte,ed ,ow a,d then and sheet metal with some suitable polish_ng during the çou,ge of the wo,k) a_ _ round be_ aaent. _ee, ,ubbe, gt,_,p a,d w_,ndow. a,d rubber 6. Fit the trim moulding in accordance with gt,ip a,d body. preViOUS _nStfUCt_OnS. 4. Start remov_;ng the ,ubbe, gt,.,p ._, the uppe, 7, Connect up the cables to the rear window con- _e__ha,d ço,,e, by _ever__ ,g the rubber gtr._ p taCtS and re-fit the Side panel S. ouer the edge of the body from the inside and at the same time by careful Iy pu l Iing out the strip from outside with a pair of grips. Then pull off with care the strip by hand all round and remove the rear window. 5. Clean round the edge of the body and remove all the old seal ing compound. If the compound has hardened to the body. carefully scrape it off and then wash clean with naphta. Check to make sure thaf the sheet-metal edge is not deformed _n any way. If the seal ing compound has not dr_ed on the body edge, the rubber ,o_vo strip can also be washed with naphta. Other- jygjj wi Se fit a new rUbber strip. Fig. B-39. Fit_ing windahield 8nd rear window 8. 1 4
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