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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ o ____3 - __ ___L_vv, Fig. 8_25. Takln$ OUt Wl_dln0 WlndOW l____ Fio. 0_2_. _i$$_i_ _Dve_ A o_ _i_di__g _8il ahouid be __ ii_e _ wl_h _e$_ $d0e O_ WlndOW _E_OVj__ A__ F__j__ W___j__ Wj__OW Whe_ Çha_g'i_g O__y the W'i_dOW_ f_t it 6O that itS A__ Wj_____ _E_HA_j__ feaf e_d '_5 '__ _i_e With the p_agt'_Ç Of the W'i_dOW _ _e_ove t_ e gtop _of t_ e w__ ____g w__ _ow uppef fa ___ (F'lß_ __2_)_ HpOS'ItlO_ (1ft_ F'lß_ 8_t1 2)_ ft O O 2_ W'__d up the W'__dOW ag faf a5 __t Ça_ ßO_ the_ _OWef '_t betWee_ a _uaftef tO a half tUf__ __B_ HO_d the W__dOW at th'ig Opefat'lO__ 3_ _OVe the Wl_dOW baçkWafd6 a_d tUf_ 'It '__Wafd5 _ ___ _ __ _____ ______ _ __ 6O that 'it ßOe6 Out Of the 6_Ot ___ the W___d'l_ß T _h Ue ___u Mgg _a _ge _Uço M_ _p Maf _t l_ Me_ _t _ l__id __i IUj gugpe_ded by _o _eÇha_'IS_ (f'Ig_ _25)_ h___geg w _ __çh afe bo_te _ eaç_ w_t_ two _ o_tg to q_ _OWef the W_l_d_i_g _eÇha__l5_ a_d l_lft Up the __e i__ef _h___e o_ __e _i_ _d_ _ _j_ h_ O__Oh_ ___ _y D _l ____ W_l_dOW_ _oI_ _ _u_ ____ltll__fe_el__o__l_U___ l__ _ _ O _Ol d U U 7_d_t 5_ _e_ea6e the f_lVe SÇfeWS fOf the W___dl_ß Th l tl h l_ i1IU_ l_h U _ llt _F _lth h_ h_ h _eç_ a___g_ ___g _____ a_ _ _a_ e ou_ __ e _eç_ a_ e O eg i_ t e pa O e __geg W _Ç afe 6e_ ___g_ fl (_ _ lt7l O I K I Ift fl Çufed tO the _ußgage ÇO_paft_eClt l'Id afe OVa_ a_d 6 wh f.tt. k th t th _ d_ g _ d th_6 pef_'Itg _O_g_itud___a_ ad)'U5t_e_t Of the l'Id_ TO _ e_ l l_ß_ _a e 6Ufe a e Wl_ l_ W__ OW ad__ugt the ___d veft _iça__y gh_i_g o _ d____efe_t d___e__ fU_5 ea6lly _l_ the 6_Ot_ The feaf ßU'Ide 5tf'_p fOf g__o_g ça_ be p_açed be_ee_ the t___d ta t_d h__geg th d_ _ d _ d_ ta_ _ _ _ _ e Wi_ l_ß W__ OW l5 a )U5 b e CO_Çef_i_g the f'_tt___g Of the W_l_dOW aga'l_gt the 6ea_i_ß Whe_ fe_OV'__ß the h_i_ge6_ flf5t pUl_ the tOfg'_O_ 5tf__p_ fOd (3) 5tfa'_ght Out 6O that It feleage6 ffO_ _ltS _ vo_vo _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ F_0. $-2$. _uoogog _D_Dg___ent lld 5U$Dgn$lon _ _ U _. A(ta_f__o__bO__($ _Of '_UOOaOg _O__a__' __l __d ' _ voivo 2 Alla_fln_g bO_($ _Of hl____g_S __5_Ci, 3 TofglO_ fDd F_o. a=26. 6__ew$ _o_ windino _g_fanl$_ 4 Alla_f_gnt _Of lOf$lOn fOd 8'_ 1 O _ _
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