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_o_jo4o Flg. 0_22. SGr$wa for ventllation wlndow _'_'L7VU?' _ ___ewg _o_ ue____a__o_ w__dow __a_e Fig. 8_2__ _akIng OUI Ventil8tion wi_dow Withou_ __g_e 2. VBolt for'ventilatio'n window low'er piuot pin The UeftICa_ _OCat_On OF the latCh p_ate IS CheCked 2. ungçfew the gçfewg Fof the çhfO_Iu_ p_ate On by C_OSlnO fhg dOOf Wlth thg OUtglde dOOf hand_e the ffont edoe of fhe doof and fe_oue fhe pUSh bUtt-On depfeSSed SO that the ßUldg pln ß_ldeS D_ate. V StfalOht IntO the _atCh plate. _. _' __+_ t_e wi_n__ng w_n_ow __n t_e ç_oge_ pog__+_ion, N.B.VTh_g ShOU_d be dOne l__gdlate_y aFtef FlttInß _ _ung'_çfe_W theUtwo gçfUewg ho_d_ino'theUouide'fai_ the latCh plate_ '_ng'_de the dOOf_ V V 4. undO the SCfeWS hO_dlnß the Ffa_g (_, Flß. ß_22)_ w_NDow 5. WInd dOWn the WlndlnO WlndOW tO the bO_O_ REMOVlNG AND FITTING VENT__ATlON __ _k __ _Vk _ _ __ _ _ pogIElon. __gn pU__ [ne VenEl_a[lOn WlnûOW WITH FRAME _ _ k_ _ _ _ _ __ k __ _ __ _ _k__ _k_ S_falO_I Uµ ilnu LUfn l_ a na_I _U_n _O [n_[ [n_ The ffa_e Of the VgntllatlOn WIndOW IS InteßfaIIy attaçVh_ent on the _owef Daft of the ouide fai_ bUllt Wlth One Of the ßUlde fa_lS fOf the Wlndlnß çan be faken ouf of the d_oof (Fio. 8-V23). WlndOW The Ventl_atlOn WlndOW W_th Ffa_e Can be N B wh F , h k k_ V h ' h ' . . gn Ittlnß, C eC tO _a e SUfg t at t e SUltab_y fe_OVed aS FO__OWS_ d d __d __ _ th _d __ _ Wln Ino Wln OW ß l eS eaSl y IntO g ßUl e fal S. _. Caffy OUt pOlnfS _-5 Undef ''Re_OVlnß dOOf V Upho_Stefy and InSIde dOOf Opgnef''. REMOVING AND FITTING VENT__ATlON WINDOW WITHOUT FRAME _. Caffy OUt pOlntS _-3 Undef _Re_OVInß dOOf UphO_Stefy and InSlde dOOf Openef''. 2. undO the p_aStIC COVeflnO thg doOf and fe_gaSe thg bO_t (2, Flß. 8-22). P-Ut yOUf hand thfOUßh the lafße hO_e In the Innef p_ate OF the dOOf and fg_OVe the ÇOVef FOf the Ventl_aflOn WlndOW pIVOt pln. 3. Open the Vent_latlOn WlndOW COlTtp_ete_y and pfeSS It dOWnWafdS SO that ItS Uppef plVOt pln UnhOOkS. aFtef WhICh the WlndoW Can be fe- _OUed (Flß. 8-24). 4. When Flftlnß, flßhten the bO_f (2, FlO. 8-22) v__o_Lju_o Untl_ the WlndOW IS SUFFIClent_y StIFF VtO Open Flg. 8=2_. _8king oUt ventlIBtion window wi_h (rg_$ l and ç_oge. 8__9
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America