Begin OCR Text:
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Fio. 0__O g__ewg _or lOwer dOOr UphOlStery paIlel v_o5_bvpo6
_ Flg. a-__. Door lrIglde
h _ ao__g fo_ ___ge 2 gcrewS for W1ndoW Winder Upper Stop
4 _hen fe_eage the two gCfgWg FOf the Stfl_ On f e
u___f ed_e of fhg _oWef UDhO_gtgfV geCtlOn
(g_e_eV Fio
_0-_ O) and the tWO S' CfeWS l_n the Uß-
'ho_gfefu_ _he__ feDgat ag abOUe by InSe_lng a h
_ ' h d F h ho_gtefu aççofd_no to fhg _ngffUCtlOng In t e
gçfewdf_vef of g__l_af In Unde_ f e e ge O t e _ _ ( F
d _h F Dfev_oug geçfion _hen undO thg bO_tS _ , Ig
uDho_gtefv and _eveflng OUtWaf S IS ßaft O ' d F
' _ h d 8-_ 2) and the doof çan be dfaWn OUtWaf S fO_
the uDho_gtefv çan be dfaWn Stfalg t OUt an '
' _ the hlnOeg
the af_fegt w___ aCçO_ßany It V h
When fhe doof _g to be fe_oVed çOnl__ete Wlt
5 _e_ove the p_agf_Ç and ßaße__ ßfOteCtlOn ffO_ h F _ FF h F t d h _ t
_nogg, ifgt fa g o t e _On Sl e Uß O S efy
the dOOf ß_ate AF
U h d __ _ _ h d EUR t
fef t at f_ of noç ouf t e OOf S Oß pIVO ßln
6 _e_eage the _ng_de dOOf Oßgnef by taßßlng OUt __ , __g. Q-4 __ _ Ftef t_e _o_+g Fof +_e __ngeg _ave
the D_n w_th a guitab_e dfIFt (See Flg 8-_ _ )
l_leeln fe_Uea'g_el_
___' o __o_+gUFo''f e'aç_'___ng_e_ __e
UCan be __l_ed
When FIttIno, the doof Can bg ad)USted _OngltUdln-
RE_OV___ A_D F__lN_ DOOR ____ and v_Vf+__4___ bO_4u_O thO b__t h__O_ i_ fhO
_he doof çan be fe_OVed Wlth Of WlthOUt the
Obo_dv afe
_thaCn_Othe_CdIa__eteUf oFU t_h_e
h_noeg fe_a_n_nQ _n _he doOf _F the hlngeS afe tO _ate_fa_ adiugt__enf of fhe doof _g _ade bv _gang
fe__a_n on the
_body. FlfSt fe_OVe EURhe dOOf Uß- of gh__g
F_g. 0-__ Door afop
EUR _ _ p_vo_ pi_ 5 GUlde
vo_vo 2 Hi_oe p__ 6 Rubbef bUFFÆf
_os6__ 3 _____ 7 Upper door h_nge
Fig_ 8-ll_ RenlOVIng InSlde lOCk h8lIdl_ 4 Lock plate
8 6