Begin OCR Text:
H oo D A _ D F E _ D E __ _
D E__ R l _Tl O N
The hood Çongjgtg of an OUtef and Innef p_ate The FfOnt SeCtlon and Ffont Fendefg (F_o. g-5) afe
gpot-we_ded tooethef. The hOOd Ig Opened On tWO We_dgd tO the whgg_ afCh pjateg, uppefVg_de-_e_-
h_noeg at the
_ffont. When Ç_Oged, the hOOd IS befS, Ffont ÇfOSg=_g_bef and Ffont pogtg. The ffont
_oÇ_ked bv a _evef F_ttgd at the flreWa__. The _gVef fOf SeCtlOn a_gO Sefvgg aS an a_f duÇt fof the fad_atof.
the hood_ lock iS re_eased by _eanS OF a hand_e
_oÇated undef the daShboafd InS_de the VehIC_e. i
R E_A l R l N_T R U _Tl O N _
Qe_ovi__ a___ fi__i__ ___d hOOd and _OCk bfaCketS. At the feaf edge thefe
_ u
__ h
' _d
_ __ V_f th h d d afe a_SO ad)UStab_e fubbef p_ugg (1 Fio ß__)
_ nSCfeW t e OO SUppOft fO_ e OO an ' __ '
FO_d dOWn the hOOd. HooD _o_K
2 UngÇfew the fouf bo_tg geCufIng the fadlatOf
__ d h .__ The hOOd _OCk tg CnoUnted at the fifewa_j and ig
gf1 e an fe_OVe t e gfl e. Opefated by _gang Of a hand_e undef the dagh-
3. _e_ove the hood bv ungÇfeW_ng the hOod hlnge boafd The hood tengion._ng w._th the hood down
bo_tg (2, Fig. 0-6)
_ffo_ thf hood. jn ofdef tO ._g ad_ugted paft_y by gÇfew_ng _n of o t the
oet at the bo_tg Fof the f_ght-hand hInge, the fubbef gtopg (_ F._g g _) and paft_y by p
_outef paft of thg a_f Ç_gangf _ugt be tahen OfF. gh.__g undef the
' _oÇk Ç
-atÇheg on the hood The
When the hood IS f_tted, _Ine _t Up In the Openlng _OCk bfaCketS afe bO_ted to the feaf Çofnef of the
So that theJe Ig the Sante ____t a__ fOUnd the hOOd hOOd and afe _UbfICated WIth pafaFf_n When ad)ugt-
befofe t_ghten_ng the hinge bo_tg. The hO_eg In the Ing.
hIngeg afe _afgef than the dIarTletef of the bo_tS SO TO ad)USt the CfoSS Shaft fof the _oÇk, f_fgt fe_eage
that _t _g pogg_b_e tO ad)ugt the _OÇatlOn OF the the nUt at the hand_e InS_de the vgh_Ç_e. Thgn undo
hOod both _atefa__y and _OngltUd_na__y. The hOOd the tWO bO_tS at the CfOSS pln attaChnIent on the
ejevat_on Can be ad)USted at the ffont end by p_aC- flght_hand Slde InSlde thg gnglne Ço_paft_ent,
Ino gh__g (1 , F_g. 0-6) betwgfn hoOd and hlngeS, a_ef WhICh the ÇfOgS Sha_ Çan be pu__ed to the
an_d at the fear end w_th Shlnlg p_aÇed bgtWeen flght.
_ __ ___ ___
_______ y___
Fig. 8_6. Hood hinge9 Fig. 8-7. HDod lo__ and rear adjuatment
l Shims 2 Hood hinge bolts l. Rubber stop 3 Hood lock Gross shaft
2 Locknut