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B o D y F _ A _ e GROUP 81 _ _ E__ _ _ _T_ O_ The 1 8OO has an integral body so that there is no On each side at the bnttom, the rear floor plate chass_s frame. The body is composed of a number has a longitud_nal reinforcing member and between of pressed steel plates, each of which forms part these a number of cross-members. One of the of the supporting construction. cross-members is provided with an attachment for The body can suitably be divided up into the floor. the rear aKle track bar In the rear floor plate for side sectIons. rear section, scuttle, roof section, mount_ng the fuel tank, there is a flanged hole, the front fenders. duors. Iuggage compartment lid and upper part of which forms a section of the luggage hood. compartment floor. The scuttIe consists of the The floor and frame section (f_g. 8-3) consist of a firewall, wheel arches, front upper cross-member front and rear floor plate, inner cantrail, front and and lower cross-member. The firewall forms the rearcross-members, tunnel and scuttle. front transverse wall of the body and has weIded The floor plates are welded together at the rear end p1eces. Project_ng from the front floor secfion seat support. are two front side-members. At the front, they are Fig. 8-3. fIDor se_tion 8_2
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