Begin OCR Text:
Group 8O. General ffemoving windshieId and rear window
Too_g .................................. g,_ moulding .............. .. .. ........ 8.12
Fitting windshield and rear window
G,oup g_. Body_,ame moulding ................ .... ....... 8.13 _
Degcr__pt_;on ............................ g,2 Glass ............................... 8.13
Removing windshield ................ 8_13
G,oupg_ Hood and_ende,g Fitting windshield .................. 8.13
' Removing rear window .............. 8.14
Description .. 8_4
''_'_''''''''''''''''''_'' ' F_tt_ng rearwindow .................. 8_.14
Repair InStruCtionS ..____________________ 8.4 ffear quarte, w__ndow . .............. g._5
Removing and fitting hood ............. 8.4 ' '
Seajlng StrlpS ........................ 8.15
HOOd lOCk ... ......................... 8_.4 Door strips ........................ 8;15
Dooropening strips ................. 8.15
Group83_ Doo,a8ndIugg8geCompa,tmentlid Luggage compa,tment ___d gt,_;p .. .... g.._5
Description ............................ 8_.5
Repair Instructions ...................... 8_.5 Group8f. Upholstery, interiorequipmentand
Removing doorupholsteryand insidedoor heating syatem
OpenerS ...........__.....__...._ .... 8.5 Degcription ...... ...................... g.._6
RemoVing and fitting doorS ............. 8.6 Head_ining .............. ............. g.._6
DoorStops ........................... 8.7 Doo, upho_g_ery ..........'.. .. ........ g.._6
Removing door locks and handles ...... 8.7 _overing Fo,F_,ewa__ and F_oor ........ .. g.._6
Dismantling lock handles .............. 8_.8 Front geatg .......................... g.._6
fitting and adjusting door loCks and lock ffea, geatg .......................... g.._7
handles ........ ............... ...... 8_.8 Heat;ng gygtem ....................... g.._7
Latch plates ................ .......... 8.8 ffepa_r _ngt,uct_ong ........ .. ........ g.._g
Removing and fitting ventilation window Head_;n;ng ........................... g.._g
with frame ........................... 8.9 ffemov_ng F,ontgeatg .. ................ g.._g
Removing and fitting ventilation window _ngtrumentpane_ ... ....... ............ g.._g
WithoUt frame ........................ 8_.9 Heat_,ng gygtem ..................... .. g.._g
Removing and fitting window winder and ffemov_ng Fan motor ..... .......... . g.._g
winding meChaniSm .................. 8_.1O ffep_aç,ng Fan motor b,,gheg ..... .... g.._g
LUggage Compartment lid .............. 8_.1O ffemov;ng heater ...... .......... .. .. g.._g
Lock for luggage compartment lid .... .. 8_.11 D_gmant__ng heate, .............. .... g.._g
fuel fank cap with lock ................ 8.11 Cheçk_ngçe__ gygtem .. .............. g.._g
Assembling heater .. ...... ... ....... 8.19
Group 84. Trim moulding. glass and sealing fitting heater .. ... .... .......... .. .. 8.2O
stripa Adjusting heatingcontrols ........ .... 8.2O
ffepaj, _ngt,uctiong .... .................. g__2 RepIaCing ventilatiOn deviCe and Con-
Trim moulding ........................ g;_2 troIS _______________________ _____,_, 8_2O
Waist moulding ... .................. 8.12
Door moujding ....... .... .......... g;_2 Group_ 86 Bumpers ...... .............. 8.2O
Rear fender moulding ............... 8.12 Control drawing