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Fig. l-22. Lubrl_atlng tronl wheel hub
7. Pregg greage into the beafingS with the help
of a greage gun. _f guçh ig not available, paCh
the beafingg with gfeaSe by hand. PaCk In aS ,o,,o
_uçh ag poggib_e between the rOllgf feta_ner lO5'2'
A_ _ t Flg. l-23. FittIng $eallng rlng
and bearing inner ring. So app y greaSe O
fhe outer gideS of the beafingS and on the
outer fingS preSSed into the hUb. Fill the reCeSS
._n the hub with greage a__ roun_ up fo f_e çoinçide wifh the gp_it pin hole in the Spindle,
g_a__egt __a_eter on f_e
Uring Fof t_he g_açken _he nut furthef to enable the Spl_t pjn
o_.te'r' beaUr__ng. gee __ig. __-___. to be fitfed. _heçk to _ake SUre that the hUb
_Se a F__rgt_ç_agg _'ear_n'_
__reage For the bear- rOtateg eaS_ly WlthOUt lOOSeneSS.
Uingg. P'_açe fh' e innUer be_ari_ng in poSition in the 1O. fill the greaSe Cap halfway With gfeaSe and
hub. Pregg in the gea_ing ring Wifh dfIft SVO flt _t Wlth tOOl SVO 2197.
1798 together with Standard handle SVO 18O1 1 _. Fit the front wheel bfake UnitS in aCCordan Ce
(Fig. 8-23). with the ingtruçtiong given ìn Part 5.
_._. Soak thg fe_t fing of the Seal W_th, fOr __. __if t_e w_ee_ aFtef Fjrg+ _av__ng ç_eane_ the
eKa_plg, light eng_ne O_l. ' L ç' onta_çf gu_rFaç'eg'_eew'ee'n w_hee_ and' hubUfro_
8. PlaCe the hUb on the Stub aKle. flt the OUter di_, efç.. a'nd tjgUhten the nutg so _uCh that
bearing, washer and CaStle nUt. the whee_ çannot be rnoved on the hUb. Re-
g. _he front whee_ bearingg are adjugted by fifSt _oVe the propS. LOWef the Veh_Cle and f_nal-
t_ghtening the nut w_th a torque WfenCh to a tighten the wheel nutS. T_ghten eVery SeCOnd
torque of 7 kp_ (5O _b.ft.). _hen glaCken the nUt in sequenCe Until all are finaIIy t_ghtened
nuf two heK flats. If the nut recess does not to a torque of 1_14 kp_ (7O-1OO Ib.ft.).