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H e E_ _* g _ __OUP l7 R E_Al R l N STRU_Tl O N S _HAN__N_ WHEEL_ It 1s important when fitt_ng wheels that all grit and dirt are removed from the ContaCt surfaCeS betWeen wheel and hub and that surface pa_nt 1s removed from new parts _E_LA_JN_ THE WHEEL _TUD_ The wheel studs can be replaced without remov_ng the front wheel hubs or drive shafts 1 Remove the brake caliper and brake d_sc aC cord_ng to the instruct_ons g_ven in Part 5 ''' ' 2 _et up too_ _Vo 2g62, w_thout the aççesSory F_g 7-15 Flttl_a wheel stud components, as shown _n f_g 7 14 then ope_ rate the nut runner until the stud is fully remov- _ _ when rep_aç_ng a whee_ Stud a_wayS use a ed _f the old stud waS loose in the hUb, the d ih t 'd _ F_tt d neW, oVefSlle StU e OVefS_Ze S U Can üe l e ho_e muSt be çheçk-measured If the hole dia- h _ h th h _ Wlt OUt preVlOUS y maC Inlng e O e meter eKçeeds 16 2J mm (O 64'') the hub must be replaced 3 Then insert a new. overs_ze wheel stud and _EPLA_JN_ AND ADJU_TIN_ press _t 1n by hand as far as poss_ble F_ONT WHEEL _EA_JN__ 4 Place the accessory, the p_n, _n the p__ess tool 1 Ra_se the front end and place props under the 5 F_t the s_eeve on the outer end of the whee_ lower w_shbones Unscrew the wheel nutS and Stud take down the wheel 6 p_açe the too_ _n pos_t_on aS Shown _n f_g J-_5, 2 Remove the front wheel brake un_t aCCOrding tO and operate the nut runner to Sçrew in the stud the _nstructions g_ven in Part 5 'Remov_ng the çomp_ete_y front wheel brake UnltS __*,,_'*g _9_5O YaOt4S_ F_g _ __ _e_ov__g w_ee_ 6_ud Flg 7_l6 Re_OVIIlg g_e85e t8P 7 8
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