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v_o3o__vgoo FIg 7-ll. Removlng and litt_ng rear bush on torque rod REPLA_lN_ BU_HE_ FOR THE TOR_UE ROD _ RaISe the feaf end and __aCe ÇtfoÇtg Undef at the feaf )aCk attaCh_entS 2 Re_OVe the thfOUßh bo_tg _n thg Ffonf and feaf end OF the tOfOUe fOd and take dOWn the fOd 3 PfeSS OUt the' feaf bUSh Wlth SVO 2732 (See vICO_LOvBCI_ Fig. l=l_ Flttlng lront bu_h on tDrque rod F_O 7-__) 4 BeVFOfe flttlnO fhe neW bUSh, ÇOaf _t W_th Ol_ gO that It S_ldeS-eaSlly and dogS not ogf danlaoed 5 PfeSS In the feaf bUSh Wlth SVO 2U732 (gee-Flo 7 When F7fgSSlnß In a neW ffOnt bUSh, tUfn SVO 7-__) V 273O ag ShOWn In F_O 7-_3 uge SVO 2733 ag a 6 Pfegg out the ffont bugh w_th SVO 273O, and COUntefhOld U Wlth SVO 2733 aS a COUnfgfhO_d (gee F_o j__2) 8 Flf fhg tOfqUe fOd, fe_OVe the _fOFtS and _OWef _ the VehICle REPLA__N_ BU_HE_ FOR THE TRA_K BAR _ Re_OVe the nUtS and the thfOUßh bO_tS hO_dlnß the tfaCk baf tO thg feaf a__e and the bOdV bfaÇket _akg dOWn the baf _ 2 PfeSS OUt the bUSheg Wlth a SÇfeWdfIVef of Sl- _l_af 3 When flttlnß the neW bUSheS, a___y a lltf_g oll tO the_ and _feSg the_ In by hand 4. When fe-FlttlnO, _ake SUfe fhat thg g_aÇgf v_oO3L_V_Og g_gevg Fof the VffaCk baf _g __a_ed _n the end oF F_g 7_l2 Removing Iront bush on tor_ue rod the baf'S attaCh_ent tO the bOdy 7 7
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America