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_ _ _ _ 2__ 2_ / _ Fig. l_9. M8r_ing support etay bush 2 3 2 o_ THE _ _Ep_A____ _U_HE_ F _UppO_T _TAY _ . _aiSe the vehiçIe and plaCe props under in front Fig. l_l. _ear ghoCk abaorber $ttaChnlent op t_e rear _aç_ attaC_ment. 1 Shock absorber washer (small hole) ' _ _ _b h _d h t _ _,bbe, b,__ 2. _emove the thfough oltS o ing t e SUppOr 3 _hock absorber washer (large hole) gtay to t_e Front an_ rear en_. and take down the stay._ ' U _ 3. _regg out the bugheS with _VO 2734, and USe _ep_A____ _EA_ _Ho_K _VO 2J33 ag a çounterhold (See Fig. 7-8). _ f h b h t_ A__o__E__ 4. e ore pregging in t e new ug eS, Smear nem _t_ __ t_ _ t_e gi__e _n eagi_y an_ _o not Wl n Oll SO nal n y IIU l I U U _ fo_d forward the rear Seat baçkreSt and femOVe get _amage_. _ the upho_Stery for the Shelf under the fear U U h b h h h k 5. When Fjtt_ng, turn t e US So t at t e mar IngS WlndOW h b h h _ h _ .t d ' on t e US are at rlg t ang eS tO t e Ongl U l- 2. _emoue the ghoçk abSorber upper nut, WaShef na_ d_reçt__on oF t_e Suppo_ gtay, ag ghown by and rUbber bUSh. the arrowg __n F'__g._J_g. _he bugh çan gu__tab_y be 3 _emove the lower nut, WaSher and bUSh and pregged _n with a press dr_ft direCtly on the take oUt the ShoCk abSOfber. bugh and with _VO 2J33 ag a çounterhold (See , 4. When fitting. p_aCe Waghers and rUbbef bUSheS Flg. 7-_O). aCCord_ng to f_g. 7-7. 6. Fjt the gupport gtay and remove the props. F_g. l_g. _e_ovi_g guppo_ g_ay bugh l__'_'''_ Fig. l_lO. Fittl_g support st&y bUsh l'_6
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America