Begin OCR Text:
FUNCTlON _ ehe flu id pass ing ehrough the ho_eg,n the p_geo,.
When the shock absorber is compregged or e_- Th iS d3mpens any ro Il ing tendency on the part of
tended through the suspension of the veh icle. the the vehicIe and ensures smoother runn ing.
piston (5) is moved in the inner cyl inder (2). Fluid Whe, the shock absorber is compressed or e_-
then flows through fhe valve-controlled ho_eg in the tended_ the voIume on each side of the piston is
piston. The speed at which the piston moves is __ot a Itered equal Iy since the piston rod occupies
determ ined by the rate at wh ich the flu id p3sses a Ceftain Space. When the shock absorber is com-
through the holes from one s ide of the piston to Pres Sed, therefore, some of the flu id p3sses out
the other. Since the dri Iled ho!es are very narrow. through the valve (6) into the rescrvoir, and when
the fluid can only pass through slow_y, thug bfaking the shock absorber is eKtended , flu id is ag3in
the movement of the piston. When the ghoçk ab- Sucked into the cylinder (2) o.n the underside of
sorber is suddenly compressed or exte,ded. a the piston_
further braking effect is caused by turbulence in
R E PA _ R _ _ __ R U __ _ O _ _
_ H E C K_ N G TH E S H O C K 3. ReIease the bolts (5, fig. 7-6) for the attachi ng
AB_ O R B E RS waSher (47 in the Iower wishbone and pull out
A h k _ b h k the attaching washer and shock 3bsorber
n aCCUrate C eC Can On y e made On the S OC '
abgo,be,g w,th gpeç__a_ çheçk,_,g dev__çeg. A ,ough 4_ fitt_ng iS in reverse order to removal . Place the
çheçk, howeve,. ça, be made _,, o,d,, to F_,,d o,e wa Shers and rubber bushes acco; d ing to Fig.
whethe, the ghoçk abgo,be,g a,e f t_ _, o, 7-6.
UnC I On I 9
the whole. This is done by noting fhe damping ef-
fect immediately after rocking the car up and _
down. The fest can also be made by driving the ve- _ _ /
hi CIe oVer a bumpy surface. The removed absorber
__ _ __ _
can be tested by tightly fiKing the lower attachment _ __
in a position simi lar to that when f_tted,, the ve_ -- 3
hicle If it is then alternately pulled out and com-
_ _ 2
pressed. it is possibIe to judge whether it is func-
tioning ProPerly or not. Notice on making this check l
that, when the shock absorber is eKtended. its re- / 1
sistance is three times as great as when com- /
' _ 2
pressed, this due to its way of operating.
If the shock absorber does not funçtio, gatigfaç-
torily in both directions it should be replaced
' ' 4
Worn or damaged rubber bushes are to be re-
placed. _ _ 1
__ ._ 5
R EP LACl N G FR O NT S HOC K _? ' _U'__ '_'
A BSO RB E RS Fi__ __6. Fron_ s_o__ absorber 8_8__men_
_ _ th h d bb b h l Shock absorber washer fsmall hole)
emOVe e Upper nUt WaS er an fU gr Ug _ _ bb
' ' _ . u er bush
2 Remove the _owe, ateaçh_,g ,ue waghe,g a,d 3. Shock absorber washer (large hole)
' bb b h ' 4 LDwer at_a__ment
fU er U S . _ _o__ _o, _ow,, a__a__me,_ l _. 5