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A _ _ _ _ H_ oA _B K_ _ A_ z B_ __ o_ __ BE Ev __ __ E _ _ OROU P l6 D E_ _ _ l PTl O N 6E_E_A_ bushes and washers. In order to prevent damage _ d b_ t. to the rear shoçk absorbers, shock absorber bands The 1 gOO is fitted WIth hydrau iC. OU e-aC _ng _ _ Th are fitted between the body and the feaf aK e tO _- shoçk absofberS of teleSCOpIC type. ey reqUlre _ F h _ h . b d t_ d mit the down traue o t e aK e on t e SpfingS. no maintenançe and çannot e _Sman e _ h h h d b h (F 7 6 d The stabiliger (6, Fig. 7-2) w ic is attaC e tO Ot The shoçk absofbef attaChmentS IgS. - an h F h __ d bb the _ower wishbones and t e rame, inCfeaSeS t e 7-7) çompr_ge threaded pins journa e In fU er stability of the vehicle. The rear aKle is attached to the body through twO fleKibly mounted support stays (1 1 . Fig. 7-4) and two torque rods 1 O. A track bar takes up lateral forces worhing on the uehicle. The stays, rods and track bar are provided with replaceabte rubber bushes. _ _ 8- 2 SHoCK ABSO RBERS , 7 CONSTRUCTlON ' 3 Th F th h k b b _ hown g ÇonStrUCttOn O e S OC a SOf efS IS S in fig. 7-5. The outer cyl_nder (1 ) serves only aS a _ proteçtion against dust and d_rt. The other two cy- l_nders (Z and 4) are concentrically arranged, one inside the other. The inner cylinder (2) is the actual working çy_inder. the lower end nf which is pro- 5 vided w_th a valve (6). Ins_de the Inner cylindef there is a p_ston (5) in which holes are drilled, the flow of o_l through these holes be_ng controlled by valves. 6 The piston is attached to a piston rod (3). the upper end of wh_ch form_cj an attachment to the body. At the lower end of the shock absorber, a s_mi_ar sçrew attachment is fitted. The space be- tween the cylinderS (2 and 4) sefveS aS a feSefVO_r and jg on_y partially filled with fIu1d. The inner Cy- Fig _.f f_o_k abgo_be_, _UII_t_O_ _. d (Z) _ t _ F __ d th F_ujd on both ' _ _n er IS COmp e e y l e Wl _ Du__, ,ove_ b VaIUC F h (5j Th (g) t __ wu,_,,g ,y_.,,d,, _, _,_F_, ,_,,g gides o t e piston . e COVef aC S aS a ïi pis,o_ rod 8 Couer sea_ and gu_de for the piston rod (3). The baffle 4 _ege,vo_, ,y_i,dp, 9 UçfçJe, _nttaChnlCnt b FF_ F h F_ .d c., p.,,,,, r_ng (7) acts as a a e or t e ui . 7 . 4
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