Begin OCR Text:
' R E PA l R I N _T R U _T J O N _
1 . jack up the front end and place props under the 1 _ Raise the rear end and place props under at the
front a_le member. rear jack attachments.
_. u,gç,ew the whee_ nutg a,d ,emove the whee_. 2_ Remove the wheels and release the parking
h h k b b brake
3. RemoVe the Uppef nUt On t e S OC a SOr er '
a,d a_go the bo_tg Fo, the _owe, attaçh__,g 3. Place a jack under fhe rear aKle cagi,g a,d
h d d d th h k b b jach up so far as to off-load the ghoçk abgo,be,
WaS er an raW OWn e S OC a SOr ef. band.
4 Place a jack under the lower wishbone in the q u
_ . nSC-i eW the ShoCk abSorber at the _owe, at-
middle under the spring and jack up until the h
taC ment and the ShoCk absorber band at the
upper wishbone rubber buffer lifts
_ upper attachment.
5 Ungçfew the gtabilizer frOm the lOwer WiShbOne. 5 _owe th _ t__ th . . F d
_ _ r e rear aK e Un l e Sprlng 1s ree an
Remove the nut for the loWef baII joint. ,emove the _ d
Sprlnß an SpaCef.
6. Lower the jack slowly and remo. ve the spring
when the wishbone has come down for enough.
lf the lower ball joint does not reIease when CHECK-_EASuR__G
the jaCk iS loWered. USe removal tooI SVO See u,de, __ F,o,t Sp _ Ch k . __
r_ngS, eC -meaSUrlng .
22g1 , see Serviçe Manual, Part 6. FITTING
CHECK_MEASURING F_tting _g _,, ,eve,ge o,de, to ,emova_. Make gu,e
Before fitting the sPrin9_ it Should be cheCk-mea- that the rubber cushion (J. Fig. J-4) and the ,ubbe,
sured_ Measure the length of the spring compress- sp_cer (4, Fig. J-4) are f_tted proper_y.
ed coil by coil. and the length under toad in accor-
dance with the '' Specifications''. Check also the
rubber spacer.
1 2 3 q _ 6
PIace the rubber spacer and the washer in posi-
tion in the spring housing in fhe member and fit
the spring in reverse order fo removal. (See Fig.
7-3). _ 1 1 1 O g g j
_ //f ____-__ Fig. 7-4. Rear a_le suspenslon
l . Upper shock absD;ber bushcs f. Rubbcr cushiDn
2. Shock absorber 8. Lower shock absorbcr bush?s
F_g. 7._. F_o__ gp,I_g uppe_ g_g___e__ 3. Rubber bufer _ Spring attachmcnt
_ F,o__ g__e _e_be, _. Rubber spacer lO. Tor_ue rod
__ ,ubbe, gpa_e, f. Spring l l Support stay
3. wag_e, 6. Shock absDrber band 7 _. 3