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The 18OO is f_tted with co_l spr_ngs at front and bones are f_tted w_th rubber buffers (1) which l_m_t
rear The front wheel has _nd_vidual suspens_on the downward movement of the w_shbones.
The upper ends of the front spr_ngs (3 F_g. 7-2) The upper ends of the rear springs (5. F_g 7-4)
are seated _n hous_ngs formed in the front a_le support aga_nst the body and at the lower ends to
member, and at the bottom are seated in the lower the support arms beh_nd the rear a_le Rubber
w_shbones The lower w_shbones are also provided buffers (3 fig 7-4) f_tted on the rear side-members
w_th rubber buffers (2), for absorb_ng any _mpacts take up impacts from load_ng on the springs
ar_sing from loading on the spring The upper wish-
7 _v,,
Fig 7_2. Front sprlng and _ho_k absorber '_ 1 l
1 Rubber bufer
2 Rubber bufer
3 Spr_ng
4 Shock absorber
5 Attachment for stabil_zer
6 Stabil_zer
7 Attachment for gtab_l_zer
l 2