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Fig. 6-43. Fi__ing pitman arm shaft Fi$. 645. Steerln$ bo_ in mlddle plsltion
1 Scr_bed mark on p_tman arm shaft
6. f_t p. otective sleeve SVO 21 99 as shown in Screw back the adjusting screw so far that the
Fig. 6-43 and fit the p1tman arm shaft in the spring balance gives a reading of O.4-O.7 kg
hous ing. Apply some drops of oil to the ad- (1 -1 .5 Ib.) when it turns the shaft over the middle
justing screw in the p_tman arm shaft. pos ition. Tighten ing should take place at right
7. f_t the cover and gasket over the pitman arm angles to the shaft and the steering boK is mounted
shaft. Screw up the adjusti ng screw so far so that the shaft is vertical during the measuring.
that the pitman arm shaft is not jammed when After adjustment to the correct take-up. Iock the
the attach _ng bolts are tightened. Lock the bolts adjusting screw with the stop nut. Repeat the test
with sealing agent. after the stop nut has been tightened securely.
8. Place the steering cam shaft 1n the middle posi- l ncline the steering boK to the ang le it takes up in
tion. Screw in the adjusting screw so far as to the veh icle and fi l I with hypoid oi l SAE 8O to the
not_ce res1stance when rotating the shaft for- level of the fil ler hole.
wards and backwards over the midd le position.
Fit a spring balance at a d1stance of 21 O mm FITTl NG
(81/j'') from the shaft centre. The spring ba Iance _ . p_ace the steerjng boK _n the m_dd_e pos,t_on
Can Su_tably be attaChed to a SWing iron moUnt_ (F_g. 6-q5) and turn the steer_ng whee_ so that
ed on the steer_ ng cam shaft. see f_g. 6-44. the Front whee_g po_nt stra_ght Fo_ard (Fjg.
2. Fit the horn cable through the steering boK. if
necessary with the help of an iron wire.
3. fit the nut (4, fig. 6-36), the steering boK and
its attaching bolts loosely in position .
,,o_,,,,o 1 2 3 q_ ,
Fig. 6__. Checking _8ke-up be_ween c8m 8nd roller Fig_ 6__ _ut loGking ''
A=21O mm (8l/4'') 1 . Steer_ng cam 3 Hole
I Locknu_ 2 Adjus__ng screw 2 Punch pop 4. Slee_e
6 _. 22