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228 V_O4__v_o_ Fig 6_4l. Re8ming pitm8n arm ah8_t buahe6 WZJCJW_o Flg_ P_ Flttlng pitman 8rm gh$_ bu$h 4 CafefUlly fIt the gteerIng çamgha_ w_th bearing In the houS_ng in order not to damage the gea_- Inß rlng fIK the gteerIng boK houg_ng _n a v_ge Check the çontaçt gurfaçeg of the gteer_no çam SO that the Steef_ng Cam shaft Is hor_zontal Fit againgt the ro__er ag we__ ag the _nner raçegUoF the the lOwer Couer and waSher together with gh_ms ball bear_ngg _F there _g evidençe of gçratçheg, Of the same th_ckness as prev_ously Use seal_ scorìng or heavy wear, rep_açe the gteer_ng çam In9 agent On the bOltS Tighten the COver wh_le with Steering ço_umn EKamine the outer rinog and CheCklng at the Same tlme that the Shaft fotateS balIS of the bearingg _ep_açe bear_no par_tg that eaSlly WlthOUt lOOSeneSS A tofque of 1-2 5 are gçored or damaged in any other wauU The uoper kpCm (_14 Ib In ) IS reqUlred to tUrn the gteer- bear_ng outer r_ng _s remoued with 'the he__p oF In9 Cam at the PrOPer tenSiOn_ng pUllef SVO 1819 Of, If the Sea__ng r_ng _g removed, 5 F_t the ad__ugt_nQ gçrew. waeher an_ çirç_ip on Wlth drlft SVO 17O_ the __tman arm g_a_, gee _ig _-__U __e' aK_a_ CheCk tO See If the pItman arm gha_ ig _ooge in p_ayfFor the ad__ugt__ng_ gçrew'ghouU_____e'a_g gmaii' the hOUSlng by femoVIng them eaçh _n the_r own d_- ag pogg_b_e and ghou__ not eKçeUeU_ _ __ mm'' reCtlOn Wlth pUllef SVO 181g (F_g 6-3g) The bugh (o oo2__) The p_ay çan bUe re_uçe_ _Uy r Ue Up_iaçing In the pltman afm Shaft CoVer çannot be removed t'he wag'her (2_ w_th a th_ç_erUoneUHUoweve'r. +_e SO that the COVef mUSt bg rep_açed çomp_ete ad_ugting gç're'w ghou_d _e eagy to turn a_'_er f_tt'_ng U _ ASSEMBL___ 1 frOm eaCh dIreCtIon pregg in the pitman arm Shaft bUSheS with drift SVO 222g and gtandard handle SVO 18O1 , Seg Flg 6-4O _eam the bu- SheS WIth reamer SVO 2225 Uge foo_ SVO __ gi______W_$ 2254. WhICh IS fIKed to the houg_ng by meang of _ _ _3_g3_____''_'' tWO bOltS, See FIg 6-41 C_ean the houging çare- _ _- fUlIY frOm metat f_l_ngS after the reaming _ _ 2 fit the SeaIIng rIngS For the pitman arm gha_ and Steer_ng CoIUmn with the help of drift SVO ,'d__ ;',g __ ____ g__ _____Qpg~__, _g LLLl 'g, _'_S,g_W'___3d 4 __ t_e o t _ t_ _ _ _ __ _~˙_R,i _ _ Ii _ U er raCe OI _e Upper Dearlng naS Dgen vo_vo remOVed, pfeSS it in WIth SVO 2__7 When 2_J__ pregg_ng _n ma_e gure t_at it __tg aga_ngt the Fig 6_42 Pilm8_ g_m ghgft h _d ' th kh n _ l Circlip 3 Adjust_ng screw S OU ef On e OUSlng _ wa_he, 4 p,__a_ a,_ gha_i w,__ ,o__e, 6 2t
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