Begin OCR Text:
_ _
q Cafefu__y taF O_ the Steef_l_ß Ça_ Shaft (1O) SO
that EURhe _OWef beafl_ß OUtef faÇe feleageS ffO_
the hOuS__ß _ake Out EURhe ghafEUR (1O) Wlth bOlt
a_d beaf_l_ß
5 _e_eaSe the _OÇk_ut (3) a_d U_SCfeW the ad)'USt_
___ß bO_t (2) ffO_ the ÇOVef The adjuStl_ß bO1t
Ça_ be fe_OVed ffO_ EURhe Flt_a_ af_ Shaft aftef
the _OÇk f__ß haS bee_ take_ Off_ See flß 6_38
3 __________
It_h_e FaftS __ Whlte SFlflt The Seall_ß PIUß
_ _uSt _OEUR ÇO_e __ ÇO_EURaÇEUR W_EURh aÇetO_e_hafde_ed
_ Ç_ea___ß aße_t CheÇk the Sea____ß f___ßS If they
ghOW the S__ßhteSEUR __dlÇatlO_ Of Weaf Of da_aße_
fep_aÇe the_ They afe fep_aÇed W_th the help Of
Fu__ef _VO 4O3O Of W__th a gÇfeWdf__Vef CheCk the
v_oo__4V_O6 p_+_a_ af_ gka_ _ke fo__ef _ug+ _o+ ke Q_____,
Fl0 6_37 StBB_lIl0 bO_ _l_Bd SÇ_faEURÇhed Of h_ea_V__IVIIWOf_IIO_
_ÇO_t_aÇUt SVuVffVa'CVe_S
_ _tee_1_g bo_ 4 Plt_aII a__ of ke _ooge __ +ke
_p_+_a_ af_ gkaF+ _F +k_Q _Q +k_
2 __a_kfl _ NUt U l F h
ll _ h
l th d
_ I_ II _II _
_ V _EUR
_ ___ao_i__ _o__ ÇaSe Of _ EUR e g a aS O ef a_aße_ feF aÇe e
I_ Shaft
1 C_ea_ the OutS_lde Of EURhe gteef_l_ß bOK
2 _eEUR the gteef__ß bOK __ the __ddle pOSltlO_ Re_
_OVe the fOuf bO_tS (_ f_ß 6 3O) fOf the Uppef
ÇOVef (5)_ pUll UF the ÇOVef a_d plt_a_ af_
ghaft a bl'EUR a_d dfa_l_ the O_lI Pull OUt the COUef
a_d F_t_a_ af_ Shaft
3 Re_OVe the bO_tS a_d _OWef ÇOVef (1_) Takf
Çafe Of the ghl_S (2O) VUlJL7W55
v_o_i__g F_o 6=30 ffe_ov_Il0 __t_8_ a__ 6h8_ bU6h
F__ 6_30 ffe_ov__o adiug___o g__ew l_ SVO l8l9 2 Plt_a_ a__ Sha__ bUSh
6 2O