Begin OCR Text:
_ _
l1 1_
_ i3
( _ Z4
26 F_$. _34. _teer_ng _o_umn
l Steering Cam )4 F_aoge
2 Nut lf go_k
3 S_eeVe )6 _ubber bugh
4 GroUnd lead )f C_amp
5 Clamping bo_t l0 S_eeriog _o_umo _a_ke_
6 Sprlog )g C_a_p
7 Seat 2O _ubber bugh
8 Lower attachment 2) ao__
9 Upper 6tta_hmeok 22 Lower beariog
lO Shear bolt 23 Lo_k r_oo
l1 SpaCef 24 _ut _
12 SteerIng look a_kg_hmeok 25 f_aooe
l3 UpPef bearing 26 Cou_pling disc (rubber)
8 Tlghten the Steeflnß Wheel nUt tO a tOfqUe Of 2 U___few the nut (4, f_o 6-35) ffo_ _he __eeve
2 84 O kp_ (2_3O _b _) and Flt the hOfn f__Q (5) U_e a hook _'oa_ne_f in __'e nu_ _o_e
a_d the fe_al_lnO paftS
- 3
__e'_ove the p_t_a
_n af_ w_t_h_pu__e
_f__v' o _3_o
__EE____ _ox
- (FlO 6-36)
_ _nV__f_w _k_ _kf_e a__a_k_ng ko__S ___ __g _-___
U____L_oC_a'f_dCt'h_eCStee''f_no_ boKU _'F' thl_e _'ab_eU
1 PU__ the hOfn Cab_e OUt FfO_ the Co_neCtof at _lnal getS In the Way, C_Ut the Cab_e at thg tef-
the Steeflnß bOK _lna_ and Flt a neW tef_lna_ When fe=Flttlnß
_ 2 3 4 5
F_g 6_35. Coupl_ng p8rts
l E_eotfic Cab_e 4 Nut vD_vD
2 Coupl_ng d_sr (rubber) 6 Worm gear ghafk '''
3 Sleeve Fig. 6-36. Remo_ing pitMan 6rm 6 19