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rlng bo_ CsrheaWft bush ng cam bearng emerinq column shaft buSh shaft seal n9 CaP Iumn cover bearing shaft with STEERING WHEEL LOCK The veh_çle engine has been made tamper proof bY meang of a gteer_ng wheel lock _ntegrally built with the _gn_t_on switch The _gnition switch has fOur pogitiong, O _-ll-lll When the steering wheel IS turned go that a slot on the lock lug (3, Fig 6-31) çomeg oppog_te the _oçk p_n, the p_n enterS the Slot and _oçkg the steering wheel column so that the front whee_g çannot be tUrned When the IgnltlOn key ig _ngerted and sw_tched to pos_tion ' l , the -- _oçk p_n ig pu__ed back and th_s releases the Steer- ing ço_umn wh_ch is secured in a w_thdrawn pOSl- t_on At pog_tion ' l , the veh_cle can be moved w_th v,g_,,,o the _gnition sw_tched off _ _ _ _ _ Ffg _3_. _teerIIlg W ee OG _e _ At pogit_on ___ ' the ign_tion _s switched on and In _ _ _ k _ 6 E_,,_,,,a_ ,o__e,_1D_ _ l teerlng CO Umn _aC e pog_t_on ______ the gtarter motor çan be engaged _ Steering column 1 KeY _ _ k t d t th 3 _o,k _ug 8 RUbbef bUSh _he gteer_ng whee oc is moun e o e CO- , _o,_ p_,,g,, g __ee,_,g w_ee_ _ock _umn by meang of two ghear-off bo_tg _ Lock bolt (sheared) 1O AttaChment 6 17
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