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_ _ E E _ _ _ _ _ E A _ ' G RO U P 64 D E_ _ _ l PT l O N of sheet-meta I and an inside one consisting of a spacing sleeve. The outer sleeve has a press fit in the hole of the relay arm. When the relay arm iS turned. movement takes place be_een the outer sleeve and the rubber bush. the intervening SpaCe oF which has been lubricated for l ife. In other words, the journalling requires no lubrication. The steering column is journalled in the jacket tube (Fig. 6_34). The connector (26) consists of a rubber disc which joins the flanges to the steering column and sleeve. Linkage with the steering bo_ is by means of bolting with clamping sleeve. (3) which perm its aKial compression with powerful im Pact (fronfal col lision). The ball joints on the rods are plastic-lined and Fig. p_8 S_ee_ing geer therefore do not require any lubriCatiOn, i steerina bo_ 1 Ball ioint The çar ha6 a turning circle of about 9.5 m (31 ft.). 2. Safety device 8 P_tm8n arm Th b F t . h _ t F _ k to 3 ffubbe, __$ngg g ___e ,od e n Um er O S eer_ng W ee UrnS fOm OC o Steering column l O_ RelaY 8lm _ock is 31_4 . _. _e_ gter_ng arm 1 1 Rlght steering rod 6. _e_ eteer_ng rod 12 R_ght steering arm The congtruction of the steering gear is shown in Fig. 6-2g. _teering wheel movement is transmitted to the wheels through the steering column (4)_ gteering boK (1 ), pitman arm (8), tie rod (9). Steef- ing rods (6 and 1 1 ) and steering knuckles_ The gear in the gteering boK (Fig. 6_3O) is of the _ cam and rol_er __ type. The steering cam is carried in two ball bearingg and the pitman arm shaft in three bushes. The safety deuice (2) consists of a splined UniOn with ç_amping sleeve, which permits aKial CompreS- gion during a hefty impact. Together with the fUb- ber flange (3). this device eliminates the risk of the gteering wheel being puShed backwardS - Up- wardg ShoUld a frontal Colli Sion oCCUf, FIg. __. Reley erm _our_elll_g __he re_ay arm (fig. 6-2g) ig gupported on a pin in l . Relay arm __ Sleeve b F b h Th b h . t 2. _,a_ket 6. Sleeue the braçket y meanS o a US . e US COnSiS S j. ff,bb,, b,,_ _ w,,_,, of three partg. a rubber bush With an outef Sleeve 4_ Be8r1na pin 6 ; 1 6
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