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6 fit the new rubber bushes and sleeves on the 7 Lower the jaçk and p_açe _t under the w_ghb _ _ One WiShbone shaft_ at the outer edge of the sprjng. CareFu__y j_açk TO faci litate fitting soap solution can suitably up until the d istançe (D F_g 6 27) be_ee _ , . - n be USed as a lubricant fit the washers (2) and the top of the rubber buffer and the Front ax_e _ tighten the nuts (1 ) see fig 6- 1 3 Then fiK the member is approx qo mm (_ 1/ __) Tighte the _ _ _ _ . n wiShbone with its clamps loose on both the nut (6) in this position. bUSheS_ 8. Lower the vehicle. Check the whee_ ang_eg. see 7. fit the sh ims and fix the shaft (9) and wish- under '' Wheel a_ ignment__. bone, see fig. 6_7. Tighten the attaching bolts C1 ) to a torque of 4.8-5.5 kpm (3f4O Ib.ft) REPLACl NG LoWER w_S HBoNE and lock them with the tab washer (3) 1 ffemove th h b d _ k h h _ _ _ e U cap an s ac en t e w ee 8 Tighten the attaching nuts (6 fig 6-1 3) for the n,tg g__,ght_ ' ' ' _ Y_ ClamPS to a tOrque of 2_2 5 kpm (1 _1 8 Ib ft ) 2 Raige the Fr nt e d d _ d h _ _ _ _ _ o n an p ace props un er t e MOunt the other components in reverse order Front ax_e membe u th h _ r. nsCrew e w ee nutg tO fem OVal d tak d th h _ _ an e oWn e W ee . 9 Check the wheel angles see under '' Wheel 3 Remove th pp t F th h k b b ' _ _ e U ef nu or e s oç a sor er, al _gnment'' the wagher and bb b h T k FF th _ s rU er ug eg. a e o e Iower aftaching washer and remove the shoçk absorber downwards. REPLACING UPPER WIS HBOME 4 Place a jack under the _ower w_ghbone _n the _ 1 . Remove the hub çap and g_açken the whee_ middle under the spring. Ra ise the jaçk unti_ nuts g_ight_y. the upper wishbone's rubber buffer _ifis. 2. Raise the front end and p_ace a tregt_e under 5_ DisConnect the stabi lizer from the lower wish- the lower wishbone. Ungçrew the whee_ nutg bone_ Remove the four attach ing bolts (8, Fig. and take down the whee_. 6-26) and disconnect the Iower ba__ joint from 3. Unscrew the nuts (ô, fig. 6_1 3) and remove the the Wi Shbone, clamps (4). 6_ LoWer the jack s1owly and remove the spring 4. Remove the n uts (5, fig. 6-24) and the attaçhing When the wishbone has been lowered suffici- bolts (8) for the upper bal I joint and l ift off the entIY_ upper wighbone. 7_ Un SCfew the nut (6, fig. 6-1 4) and remove the 5. Fit the new wishbone in pogition and a_go the waSher (5). Pull out the bolt (3) and lift off the attaching bolts for the upper ba __ jo_nt. F_t the wi Shbone. Take care of the bushes and wa- clamps and tighten the nutg to a torque oF SherS_ 2-2.5 kpm (1 4-1 g _b._.). 8. Fitting is in reverse order to remova I. 6. Re-fit the other components. Cheçk the whee_ The distance (D. Fig. 6-27) between the top of alignment. the rubber buffer and the front ax_e member shOuld be approK. 4O mm (1 1/j '') when tighten- ing the nut (6). After fitting. check and if ne- _OWE_ W__ H _O_ E CeSSarY adiust the wheel angles, see under LAC '' Wheel a Iignment'' REP l NG LOWER WlSHBONE BUSHES ' 1 . ffaise the front end and p Iace props under the front aKle member. 2. Unscrew the nut (6. fig. 6- 1 4). Use a spanner on the bolt head as a counterhold if the bo_t C3) follows the nut. Remove the washer (f). 3. Place a jack under the lower wìshbone ingide the sPring and jack up so far that the bolt (3) can be easily removed. 4. Then replace the old bushes (2 and 4) with new ones and make sure they face in the proper direction as shown in fig. 6-1 4. 5. Fit the bolt (3). Make sure that the sma Ilest waSher (1 ) is placed nearest the boIt head. ygL_v_ 6. fit the large washer (5) and the nut (6) which ' Flg. 6-27. Flttlng po_ition m USt nOt be tightened. D=4o __ (i _/,__) 6 ; 1 5
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