Begin OCR Text:
the d_SC. This is Checked by meagu_ing tfe
d_StanCe tO the upper or lower support _ug
On fhe Caliper. __he location of the brake
Callper Can be adjUgtgd by meang of ghimg.
Flt the attaChing boItS after having given tfem
a COUple Of dfOpS of Loçktite, type AV.
8. COnneCt the brake _ineg ag ghown in fio. 6-j5.
9. BIeed the fitted brake CaIiper, gee Pa_
1 O_ f_t the Wheel after having first Cleaned tfe
COntaCt Surfaces from dirt. etç.. and tighten
the Wheel nuts so much that the whee_ çannot
be mOUed. LOWef the Vehjc_e and finaI-tioften
the wheel nutg. U
U__E_ _A__ JO___
1 _ SlaCken the wheel nuts gevera_ turng
U_oo_L4__O6 _
2_ RaiSe the front end and plaçe a tregtIe under the
Flg_ _23, FIHlng seaIlng rlng _ . fb u h
OWef WIS One. nSCfeW t e Whee_ nutg and
take down the whee_.
3. UnSCreW the nutg (5. Fig. 6-2q) and remove the
F_____ bOltS (8). Lift off the upper wighbone (J).
j . F_t tfe gtub aX_e (gteeri_ng knuçk_e_ __n pog__- 4. UnSCreW the nUt (1 O) and remove the b'o_t (g).
tion and then the 'ba__ )_oj_ntg. gee
'oplerat__on 2 RemOVe the Uppef ball joint (6) together w'jt'h
under ''fittino'_ for tfe upper and _ower ba__ SeaI_nß WaSher and rubber cover from the
jointg regpectOive_u. Steer_ng knUCkIe.
2. Flt together the' Steering knuCk_e, retainer,
Steef_ng arm and protective pIate with tfe
fOur boltS, gee fig. 6-22.
3_ PlaCe the Inner bearing in position in tfe hub.
PfeSS the SeaIing ring in witf drj_ SVO _ Jgg
and Standard handle SVO j0Oj . gee Fio. 6-23.
4_ PlaCe the hub on the stub aXle. Fit theU outer
beaflng, WaSher and çastle nut.
5_ Fit the ffont wheel bear_ngs by tighten_ng tfe
nUt Wjth a tOrqUe wrench to a torque of J kDm
(5O Ib.ft.) Wh_le rotating the fub. Then gIaçk_en
the nut two heX flatg. _f the nut reçegg doeg
nOt COlnClde With the spIit pin ho_e in tfe
StUb aXle, SlaCken the nut gome more to
enable the SpIIt pin to be f_tted. CheCk to make l
SUfe that the hub can be rotated easily witfout 'i_Ui'j'_'i'
_ F_0_ _24_ Upper b8ll jolnt aHg___en_
OOSeneSg. 1_ SPlndle 6 Upper ball jo_nt
6. fiJI the oreage CaD halfwa_ with greage an_ ___t 2 Circl_ip 7. Upper w_gbbo_e
t .th t U l Svo 2_jg I U ' 3. Rubber couer 0 _o__
l Wi OO J. 4 __r____p g C_g_p bo__
_ ___t t_e _ra_e _ . .t. Ch 5 Nut _O _u_
I _ _ _ ü h Cajlper In pOSj ion. eCk to '
make SUfe that it takes up the proper pog_tjon
In relatlOn to the brake djgç. Cheçk for aX_a_ F______
deVlat_On by meaSUring on both gideg of the j C_eC_ to ma_ tf t th bb _
d h _ _ _ ne Sure a e rU er Sea Ig not
_SC Wlt a feeler gauge the distance between damaged and i_g F__l_ed w_tf greage _F neçeggary
djSC and SUpport _ug of tfe ca_iper k4aKimum top up w_t_ _ _ _' k f '
d.FF _ i II un_VerSa gfeaSe. a e SUre t at
i erenCe _n meaSUrgmgnt a_lowed ig O 25 mm tfe g_eeve an_ _oc_ r. l _ d
(o o_,,) Th
' _ U I h IngS are pfOper y OCate .
. . e Callper ghouId be para_le_ with gee ç__g. _.__.
_t 6__ 13