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_ USed FOf fOUgh Clean Ing Of the beafIngS. ThefeaFter WaSh the beaflng CO_pOnentS In WhIte SplfIt and al_OW fhe_ tO dy. AVold drylng W_th Ço_pfeSSed alf S_nCe It OFten COntaInS Watef and dugt pa_jCleg. ACCeSSlble beaflng partS ShOU_d be dfled Wlth a C_Oth Of COttOn fag (no WaSte). A neW bearIng taken Stfalght OUt OF ItS paCkIng dOeS not haVe tO be C_eaned. AFtef C_eanIng, InSpeCt the paftS. lF da_age, rUSt of b_ Ulnß IS dISCoVered on thg beafIno faÇeg of fo_- jefS, Change the bearIngS. _F the Voutef of Innef flng IS lOOSe ln ItS pOSItIOn, tfy fe_edyIng thIg by _ Flttlng a neW flng. The gea_ Ing fIngg afe to be fe- pjaCed IF they afe WOrn Of da_aged. v_oo__du_o4 When l Ubf_Cat_ng thg Whgg_ beaf_nog, uge On_y a Fig. 6_2O. _emovi_g Inne_ bea_j_g flfSt-ClaSS dUrable ffeaSe fOf Wheel _bearingS. PaCk aS _UCh greaSe aS poggib_e by hand be_een fhe fOllef fetalnefS and _nner raCe. AISo greage the OUtSlde OF the fOj_efS and retaIner. F___ the gpaÇeg In the hUb betWeen the outef and innef beafino 6. Re_OVe the fOUf bOltS and Sepafate the pfOteÇ- with ofeage aÇçofdino fo fjo. 6-2_ . _ tIVe COVef. fetalnef and SteefIng af_ ffO_ the Soak_the fe_f fìnog _of the _whee_ hubg in oi_, fof knUCkle. eKa_p_e, _ioht eno_ine oi_, befofe fittino. 7. Re_oVe the bal_ jointg, See operatjong 34 C_ean bea_flngS _lS of gfeat __porta_nÇe to thejr undef '' Re_ov_ng'' for the upper and _ower ba__ Ilfet__e. ThefefOfe. dO nOt let UngfeaSed bearingg )OintS respectively. fe_aln UnpfOteCted. ObSefVe the UtnIoSt Clean_i- _. i __Ft ouf f_e gtu_ aK_e gteef__ng _nuç_ie. neSS When FIttIng the_. U_LE_AI____ IIA_D ULUBIRl_AT___ _THE_Wl HEEL BEARl___ SlnCe the Wheel bearIngS afe eKpoSed, they _ugf be C_eaned and _UbfICated beFofe bejng fe-fjfted. The FOljOWIng feCO__endatIong are thefefofe to be FOllOWgd. _ 2 AFtef the beaf_ng and beaf_ng flng have been fe- _OUed, C_ean the hUb and gfeage Çap thofouoh_v. Make SUfe that a_l the old gfeaSe even ingide_ th_e hUb IS re_OVed. COnlpfegSgd a_r Çan guitab_v be _ 3 4 ulO05L4vUO v_u3_gougu Flg. P__ Fronl end components 1 StUb aKle 3 Retai_e_ Flg. _2l_ front wheel bearlng_ 2. Protect_ve plate 4 Steering arm 6__ 12
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America