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ADJU_____ WHEE_ A___E_ N.B. The FrOnt Wheel ang_eS _USt alWayS be ad)USt_ ed In thg Fo__oW_ng Order. 1. CaSter 2. Camber 3. TOe-ln Ffom a _abour_SaVIng pOInt OF VlgW, It may be, howevgf, gu_fab_e to ad)Ugt the CaStgf and Cambef atthe Same tIme, Seg Under ''Cambgr''. _A_TER v_oo_v__ The çaster fof eaCh wheel ShoU_d be wIthIn the ''__ Fig 68 Adjuelment p8rta at sldemember_ o_ _u h h _d b , _ - _ - fo efançe fange to + t at IS Itg oU e mIn. ' ' l Sh_ms 3. Bolt O' and maK 1'_ pOSlf_Ve HOWeVgF the dlffergnCg _ g __ 4 g __. _ , o o between both the SIdeg ShOUld nOt gXCggd 1/2O. The çaStgr çan be ad)UStgd eltheF Wjfh ShlmS (3, F_g. 6-7) at the WIghbong ShaFt Or Wlth ShImS (2, F_g 6 8) at the Slde member The FlfSt a_tefnatIVe l9 to a çe_tajn e_fent çan be Seen ffom fhe d_agram. = - . Se_eCted When the Camber IS a_SO fO bg adjUSted, in Fig. 6-9. _himS afe gtoCked in th_CkneSSgS OF a_d the geçond When on_y the çaStgr Ig tO be Seen O 15 O__ O 3 O and 6O mm (O OO_OO2_. - . . - . . . tO. O.O3_O.12O and O.24O''). Thg CaStgr anglg IS a_ter- ed to the Samg gKtent ejther by a. remOVIng a ShIm at One the bO_tS M _ d _ ( _ hb _ _) b add_ng a Shlm tOthg Othef bO_t et O atwIS OIte G_a_ ' _ ç movino ovef halF oF the feqUIred Sh_m thICkneSSv _end up the _oçk Wagher (3, Fig. 6-7) and SaCken ' h h ( ) Ffom ong bo_tto the othgr. the atfaChlng bO_tS (2) gOm mUCh f at the S ImS _ d d F Ad)ugtment Shou_d be In aCCOfdanCe Wlth a_teFna- Çan be _IFted Up. The CaStef IS a )USte , Or eK- h tive C Forthe rjßht CaSteF amp_e, to pogitiVe eIther by addI_g ShImS tO t e ' h _ b _ A_ef adjUStIng fighten the bO_tS tO a tOfqUe OF fea_ bolt of by FemoVl_g S Img at thg FO_t Of. ' d _ h _ 5_7 O kpm (4_5O lb._) The ghim thiçkneggeg requIre tO a fef t e ang e ' ' ' _ MethOd 2 (at Slde-_e_beF) _aige fhe ffonfend and p_aCe pfopS Undef the bOdy atthe jaçk attaçhmentS. _g_eaSe thg attaChlng bO_tS (2, 3 and 4. Fig. 6-8). Add or deducf fhe number of ghimS feqUired in ordgr to get thg prOper CaSter. _himg fof th_S pufpoSe are aVa__ab_g In thIChngSSeS oF 2 and 3 mm (O.O8 and O.12O''). The dlagfam In Fio. 6-g ghowS hoW muçh the CaSter IS tO be a_ter- _ ed _. The game a_tefatIOn ShOUjd be made On bOth _ gideg to aVoid gXffa tenS_on jn the FrOnt aXle mem- _ bef. Tiohten the bojfS befOre maklng a neW __eaSurg_ment. 3 CAMBER The çambef Fof eaçh whee_ Shou_d be Wlthtn a tolefançe range of O'' to +1/2'', that jS, _t ShOUjd be min. OO and maK. 1/2C pOSltIVe. vo_w When adjUgt_ng bgnd the lOCk plate (3, fIg. 6-7) l_588 d _ k h h. b _ (2) h F_ 6_ Ad_ _ _ _ _ _ _b _ _ Up an gaC en t e attaC Ing OtS SO mUC ig. - . juamen p8 s a wis one s 8 _ ____6 _ go__s 3. _ook p_a_e that thg Sh_mS (1) Can be Ilfted Up. Thgrgaftgf 6__5
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