Begin OCR Text: _
Group 6O General Upper ball joint ...................... 6.13
Specia_ too_g ............ ............... 6;_ Lower ball joint ... .................... 6.14
w_ee_A___gnment .......... .............. 6;3 Upper wishbone .......... ............ 6.14
w_ee_ ang_eg ........................ 6..3 Lower wiehbone ...................... 6.15
Procedure before wheel adjusting ...... 6.4
Measuring wheel angles .............. 6.4 Group 64 Steering Gear _
AdjuSting wheel angles ................ 6_5 Deeçription ............................ 6;_6
Repair Instructions ...................... 6.18 ,
GroUp 62 Ffont A_le Rep_açing gteerjng whee_ .............. 6__g
Description .......... .................. 6.8 . Replacing steering wheel lock .......... 6.t8
Repair Instructions ...................... 6.1O Replacing steering column and bearing .. 6.18 '
General .............................. 6.1O Steering bo_ ......................... 6.19
Frontendcomplete .................... 6_.tO Reconditioning steering rods and tie rods 6.23 _
Stub a_le .............. .............. 6.11 Replacing relayarm bush .............. 6.24