Begin OCR Text:
Fig. ___S. Fitting Sp_ing tool
1 Cable attachment 7 Lock pin
_ Wag_e_ 8 Holder SVO 2742
3 Return spring 9 Nut
4 Wag_e_ 1O Lock washer
.5 Leue_ Il Cable
jo 6 Ruhber
j j j i _ 6 7 B 9 vo,,o
F_g. _.gz. Adju____g devi_e _ab_e lO31'' 5. __aCe ho_def _VO 2742 SO that the retUfn Spf_nß
l Bolt 6. Locknul ig he_d in pogition açCofding fo fig. 5-g3. Bend
2 Pull rod 7 Pulley h _ k h t th
3 L,,_,,_ g _o_i up fhe _oçk and fe_ove f e oC pin So t a e
4 SprIng 9 Wheel çab_e fe_eageg ffom fhe _evef.
5 _ui lO Cable 6. _e_ove the fetufn gpf_ng W_th WaShefS. LOOSen
the nut fof the fear attaChment of the Cable
_urt_ef, t_e ça__e g_ou__ _e teng_one_. _h__g ig g_eeve. Li_ the çab_e fofWafdS after hav_ng
'don_e _y
_t_e'U_oUç_nutg an_
UgC'few__ng _oogened bofh g_deg of the attaChmentS.
in the
Upull'ey on the p_ull r'od._see fig.U5-82. Aftef
adjugfing, fighfen the _oCknUtS. CheCk that thefe ____A_____
ig appfoKimately the Same bfak_ng effeCt On _ Ad t th b _ _ F t_ whee_g
. juS e fa_e S_OeS O, _e feaf _
both feaf WheeIS. _heçk that the bfake padg do not gt_çk to the
7. MoUnt the WheeIS aftef haV_nß Cleaned any dlft
Ubfake digç and adjugt fhe dfum go thaf itS hole
from the ContaCt SuffaCeS, and tighten the Wheel ço_nçideg with the gerrationg of the adjusting
nUtS SUffIC_ently SO that the Wheel CannOt mOVe_ gçfew. __aCe a gçfewdfivef between the Seffa-
Remove the props. Lower the vehicle and t_gh- t__ong oF the adjugting gçfew and apply the
ten the nutS. Tighten evefy Othef nUt a Ijttle at a ghoeg by moving the gçfewdfivef handIe up-
time Until all are tightened tO a tOfque Of 1_14 wafdg. gee Fi_. 5-gj . When the dfum Can be
kpm C7_t OO Ib_ft_)_ tufned eagily.
_discontinue applyìng the shoes.
_hen tufn the adjugtIng SCfeW 4-5 SerfatlOnS
REpLAC___ pARK___ 2. Fjt on new fubbef çable guideS for the the Cable
gugpengion. __açe the çab_e _n pogIfIOn In the
BRAKE CABLE fear attaChment and tighten the nut. flt the
_E_OV___ waghefg and fefufn gpfing. COmpreSS the Sprlnß
_ . _pp_y t_e paf__ng _fa_e an_ _oogen the whee_ with the he_p of the hOlder tOOl, See flg. 5-83_
U Oi_ the _oCk pin and fjf it together With the CabIe
h d _ d h on the _evef fit the attaChment and fUbbe_
2. Jaçk up t e rear en , p aCe propS Un ef t e reaf _
d k FF h h _ çabIe guide on the ffame membef.
aK_e, femove the nutg an ta e O t e W ee S.
_e_eage the pafk__ng _fake. 3. Fit the çable in the Same way aS above On the
' h b (
U F 5 g2) d h th other g_de of the VehiCle
3. Remove t e o_t g, Ig. - an t en e _
w_ee_ _o) Ffom t_e pu__ey _7). q. p_açe the çable sleeve in poSition in the ffont
' l_l
' l I(5 F 5 g) F th attachments and fit fUbbef COVefS
q. Remove the fubbef Covef , Ig. =7 Or e '
_font at+aç_men+ o_ +_e ça__e g_eeve and the 5. Lubfiçate and fit the pUlley On the pUll fOd,
'nut ag
'we___ ag
't_e' a'_ttaC_mUent Fof t_e fubbef Adjugt thg pu_ley go that the pafk_nß bfake ß_VeS
gugpeng_on'' f_ng o_n the Ffa_me me'mbef_. Remoue full effect at the 3rd4th notCh.
the Cab_e ffom the other side oF the attaChment 6. fit the Wheels, see opefatlOn Undef _Ad3UStlng
in the game way. pafklnß bfake''. f__35