Begin OCR Text:
Fig. 5-51. Prim8ry platon
_ __eeve 8 Piston
2. gp_i_g 9 WaShEr
3 Se_ew lO P_ston seal
4 gp_i_g p_a_e lI Plastic waSher
f B8ck_up ring 12 Piston seal
6 Fig_o_ geal l3 Washer
_ Wag_er 14. CIrClip v_O_3Lv__O_
Flg. _53. Checklng e_u8ll_lng hole
l. O.5 mm (25 s.wg.) soft wire
h _ F h f . _ A=C_earao_e be_een washEf and Seal
6 _heçk fhat the o e oF t e S OÇt SCreW iS nO i o_ oo_.)
_ ApPfOX. . mm=
b_oçked and fif fhg gÇfeW Wlfh a neW Seallng
waghef. The fiohtening fofque iS 1._1.2 kp_
(7_8_5 Ib_ft_)_
_. _heç_ the _ove_enf of the D_gfong and fhat nutg. The t_ghtgnlng tOfqUe fOr the nUtS IS 1.2_
' tVhe fhfouoh-f_ow ho_es afe n'ot blOCked. Thg 1.5 kp_ (8.7-1O.8 Ib.ft.).
eoua__z_no_ ho_eg afe ÇheCked by _nSert_ng a 2. _onneçt up fhe _ineg, see fjg. 5-54. Depfegg fhe
so'_ çoppVef w_fe, dianlgtef O.5 __ (25 S_W_g_)_ Deda_ and fìohfen fhe nutg foF fhg _ingg When r
gee f_o. 5-53. _f an gqUalIZlng hOle IS nOt Clear,
'f_uid ffee ffo__ a_f bubb_eg fofçeg ifg way oUt.
fhìg _e_anS that the _aSter Cyl_nder _S genefalIY 3. __eed fhe enfife brake syStenI.
wFong_y aSSe_b_ed.
8. fif the bfake f_uid Çonfainef paftS W_th neW
gea_s. _heÇk to _ake sufe that the Vent_hOle _n
the çap is open and Fit the StfaInef and Cap In WA_____ VA_VE
ßOSlflOn. NO__A_lZlNG THE ___TON_
1. DigÇonneçf the e_eçtfIÇ Çab_e and SCfeW OUt the
wafning gWItÇh (FIg. 5-55) So that thg pIStOnS
fefufn fo nornlal pOSlflOn.
_. Fl_açe fhe sea_ing fing (6, F1g. f49) On the
_agfef çy_indef. FIt the Cyllnder In pOSltlOn and
then the washefg fogefhgf W_th the attaChlng
Fig. 5-_. Br$ke p8rta
_ g_ake ___e, ge_onday cireuit 5 Attach_ng nut. master cyl_nder
vo_vo 2 _ag_e_ _y_inder 6. Servo CylindÆf
IO3l__ 3 g _ _. ._ _ A__ac__ng nu_ ge_o cy___nder
_ fa e Ine PrImarY CIrCUI I _
F_g. _.__. F__ing __e p___a_y p_g_on 4 VaCuum hose 8 BraCket