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1 2 3 _ 5 6 _ _ Fi$. f_49. Secondary piston l Spring __ Washer 2 Thrust washer 6 Fig_o_ 3. Back_up ring 7 PistDn geal O Piston Seal 8 Pi,ton gea_ 1 2 3 _ 5 6 _oLVo 2 C b IO,I9I . Oat rake F_Uld On the CyjInder and dIF the Fig_ f__ Ma9ter tylinder disnI8ntled p_gton and gea_g __n _,ake __u___ _eFo,e ___tt__ng F_t l Cylinder housing 4 Secondary piston th . (_) d U . '_ U ( U2) h l ' _ __op ,e,,w _. _,,e_,_p e SpfIng an SFr_ng F ate On t e SeCOn- 3 PrimaY piston 6 Sealing ring da,y piston and f_t the pigton, gee Fig. 5-5O. ObServe Care when inSeft_ng the SeaIS in the cylinder. 3. Fit the thin washer (7, fig. 5-51), seal (6) and INSPECTING back-up ring (5) on the primary piston. F_g. 5-51 Before inspecting. clean all the parts according to ShowS how the parts should be Iocafed. Fit the the instruct_ons given under _Cleaning''. _,oup 5O. spring (2) with spring plafe (4) and sleeue (1) on EKamine the inside of the cylinder carefully. _f there the pr_mary piston. Compress the spring and are any scores or scratches, the cylinde, ghou_d be tighten the screw (3) to the bottom. feFlaCed. Rust and s_milar damage can as a rule q. F_,t the waghe, (g), gea_ (_o). p_agt_,ç waghe, (__), be eliminated by honing the cyl_nder. The procedure __ea_ (_2) and w'ag'he, (_3') o'n the p,__ma,y p,g'ton' for this varies with different makeg of too_g go ' ' ' ' _ th t _ d b F __ 5. Dip piston and seals in brake fluid and obge,ve a nO genera eSCrlptlOn Can e gIVen. o oW. th F th . . F h F Care when fitting the parts in the cylinder see ere Ore, e InStrUCtlOnS O t e manU aCtUrer. ' C_ean the çy_._nde, ça,eFu__y a Fte, hon._ng and çheçk Fig. 5-52. Fit the circlip (14. Fig. 5-51) in posi- that the ho_eg a,e ç_ea, tion. fitt_ng of fhe parts is made easier if the _F th _. d ' d F,imary piston is held pressed in w_th the help Wear On e Cy In er Of SeCOn ary pIStOn IS SUS- peçted the d,amete, ghou_d be meagu,ed w._th a of a 3 mm (t/8'') dr_ft through the overflow hole . ' d Th _ d b or with the help of a clamp mICrOmeter Or In ICatOf. e Cy In ef Ore mUSf not ' eKceed 22.4O mm (O.081'') and the diamete, of the piston may not be less than 22.O5 mm (O.07O''). EaCh time reConditioning iS Carried oUt. ,eplaCe the Frimary piston (3, Fig. 5-48) and the seCondary pis- ton (4, fig. 5-48) complete as weIl as the stop screw (2) wifh washer and circlip (5). aIso the sealing ring (6). Moreover. the rubber seals (Fig. 5-46) for the container should be replaced. ASSEMBLING 1. Fit the thin washer (2. fig. 5-49), the seal (Q) and the back_up ring (3) on the secondary pis_ V,,O,L,v,o, tOn. Fig. 5-49 Shows how the parts are located. Fig. _-_. Fitting seconday p_gton f_.21
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