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_ Se_D_da_ ry oif __ Pr1rnafy ClrCU_t eui_ pfeigufe_egi preSSUfeleSS _ SecondaY cIrcuit ,, ,,, high preSSUrC __'j _j' Fig. 5.37 Br8ke applic8tlon with l0ak8ge ln prim8ry Gircuit vo_vo F_g. _3g. _ormal poSitlOn IU24'_ _he hyd,au_ iç pressure between the pi StOnS Ca, the, ri,e a,d apply the brakeS _n the prlmafy Cl r- çu _t _F _ea_age oççurs in the pr_mary circu _t. the d d th b k p_ ed eKçeed, about _ o kp/çm2 (1 42 p s i ) The valve pr_ma,y p_ StOn l S m OVe an e ra eS are aP _ ' _ h t k t çt w_th the ço,,truçt_o, _, ,how, i , fig 5-38 and _t OpefateS untI t e prlmary pIS O, ma eS COn a ,eço,da,y p_,to, _oth p,,to,, a,e then pressed as fol lowS h F t F th ,eço,da,y _F the,e _, ,o fau_t _, the çircu its and the brakes are _nwards. t e preSS Ufe l, rO, O e _ d th b k _ the ,eço,dary app_,ed the hyd,aulic pressure on the Fl StOn S IS p Unge, rl SeS an e ra eS _n ' 3g) _ _ d (F 5 3_) _a,ge_y the same on both s_des (f_g 5- Ut Cl,CU It a,e app le _g - d ,hou_d, fo, example, the pressure _n the SeCO, afY ç,,çu it be ,omewhat h ig her than _n the pfimafy Cl f- wA__ ___ vA_ve çu_t, th_, w_i_ ty to d _,place the pistons to the r_ght ,, th, F,g,,e Th,, _, Ft, th, th,,,t w,,h,, (_ _ ) a,d A wa,, _,g va_ve _s connected between the brake the p,e,,,,e oF the ,p,,,g (g) ço,,te,açt, the d_,- _ _,e, F,om the ma,ter cylinder and the s_x-branch p_açeme,t u, _o, _t, Funçt,o, i, to warn the driver when the it ,, ,,_y whe, the p,e,,,,, ,, the ,eço,da,y p,e,,u,e d _ffe,ençe between the two brake ClfCUltS ç_rçu_t F,,,t eKçeed, that _, the pr,ma,y ç_rçu_t by about _ o kp/cm2 (1 42 p s _ ) that the p_Ston S are pu,hed ,o far to the right that the guide pin (4) Ca, be p,e,,ed downwards When th_s happens, the ,w,tçh washer (2) reaches the hous_ng (3) and çu,rent js çut _n (F_g 5-4O) The gu_de pln IS Pre- ve,ted from ,etu_ n ing to its norma I poSitlon Untl l the Fau_t ha, bee, ,eçtified and the warn _ng sw_tCh removed __ _ _ _ 2 ) _ _o _ 8 _ VIDI2_4Vi? Fig 5.3$ WarnIng _al_e j E_ee_r_oa_ _onnection 8 Seal ing waSIICr z Sw_t__ waihef 9 Spring 3 Sw_,o_ houging l D Connection ffOnt 4 ______ p_n wheel brakCS _r _onf_eej_on fe._f _ _ _hruSt WcaSher whee_ br_ake__ l_' O fing _ Conneotion m3stcr l_ PiSton ey__ndef l4 HOUS_ny F_g. 54O Wgrnlng pOiltlOn _ End p_eCe 5 1 8
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