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H y_ D_ _ A u _ _ _ F o o _ B _ A K E _ y _ _ E _ 6R_U P __ D E_ _ _ _ ___ O _ MASTER CYLl NDER The master cyl_nder is of the tandem type _ts con_ StrUCtlOn IS ShoWn In fIg 5-33 and _tg funçt_on _s as follows When the system is at rest (fig 5_34), the plstons are kept pressed back by the force of the Spr_ngs When the p_stonS are _n th_s poSit_on the çonneç- r_ Sccondary c_r _ Primary circuit ' U CUlt pfeSSUfeleSS _ preSSureleSg _ SecondarY circuit _ Primary circuil vuLvL_ high pressure h_gh preggure IU'l_ Fig f35 _orm8l brake 6pp__catio_ tlonS between the brake flu_d conta_ner and whee_ brake un_ts are open At the moment b_aking takes PlaCe, the pr_mary p_ston (to the right) _s pressed _n by the p_ston rod This closes the çonneçt_on be- tween the conta_ner and the wheel brake un_t and the pressure in front of the p_ston r_ges Th_g preS- Fl9 f33_ Master cylinder sure infJuençeS the Secondary p_ston go thae _t a_so l Container _ Co__eo_ioo for pr__ay o_rou__ d t th _ Ft Th _ __op gorew i _eooodary p.,g_oo tS mOVe O e e e Same over-pressure ar_ses 3 E4ual_zing hole a cy_inder _n front of both p_stons (Fig 5-35), the brake f_u_d 4 Ouerflow hole g Conneol_Dn for geoonday o_rou,t F d t t th b k _ IS OrCe OU In O e reSpeCt_ve ra e ine and al_ the wheel brakes are applied, provid_ng the system _S funct_on_ng properly If a leakage has oçcurred In the secondary c_rcu_t no hydraulic counterpres_ SUre buìlds up in front of the secondary p_Ston _n- stead. thls p_ston is moved inwards when the brakes are applied unfil if is stopped by the end of the cylinder (F_g 5_36) _ -_ _ _- _'ji__,____'_- _,._,_x_ , gi L' l _ ( _ j'_-' _, t-_U__ i____ ' _P __-_- _ Seconday c_r _ _ prin_ary c_rLu_t g ___O3_xY,U CUit Pressureless _ DreSSureless eoOoday CIf_ primay o_rouil _ pr_mary o._rou__ vo_ __ CUlt preSSureIeSs pressureleS$ _j.g_ preggure i_ _ Fig h_ Rest pDait_on F 36 g l9 5 rake appllCatlon WIlh leakagB in l and 2 ConneCtion for brake f_u_d coo_aioer _econda_y ci_cuit f 1 7
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