Begin OCR Text:
Fig. f_3l. Checking run_oul
FIg. 5_32. R$mo_lng br_ke dl$t
Ça__pef. Thg _oÇat_on oF the bfake Ça__Dgf Çan bg feaf Whee_ bfakeS at the OUtef edße OF the dISC and
ad_u5ted w_EURh 5h__5 wh_Çh afe ava__ab'_e _n th_Çk_ I5 _ea5Ufgd, FOf eKa_p_g, aCCOfdlnß tO Flß. 5_31 .
ne5' 5e5 oF O.__ ._ __ (O.O24-O.O__''). F_t the _heCk FlfSt that the Whee_ beaflnßS afe COffgCt_y
aEUREURaÇh_no bo_t5 aFtgf thgv have begn Çoatgd ad)USted and that the dISC FltS SgCUfe_y On the hUb.
W_th a ÇVoUD_g oF dfoD5 o_F _oÇk t_tg, tVDe AV. The EURh_Çkne55 l5 _eaSUfed Wlth, FOf eKa_p_e, a
_heÇk EURhat' EURhg bfakg' d_5Ç fotaEURe5 ea5___v' _n the nllÇfo_etef. jt ShOU_d nOt Vafy _Ofe than O.O3 __
bfake Dad5.
_ (O.OO1 2'') When the dISC IS fOtated One tUfn, SlnCe
_. _onneÇ' + __e _fakp_ ___ne, 5ee F_g. _-__. _e_ove thIS Can CaUSe a Vlbfatlnß bfake peda_.
- +V_e p_ug_
_+_e_ ve' n___o_e _'n +_eU
__Vfa_ke F_ui__ _F a FaU_t l5 dISCOVeJed dUflng the abOVg-_entlOned
U InSpgCtlOn, the bfake dISC ShOU_d be fepjaCed.
3 F
_ h h _ F h F h When dOIng thIS the bfake Cajlpgf ShOU_d FIfSt be
. It On EUR e W ee a tgf t e ÇOntaCt 5Uf aÇeS aVe '
b _ d F d d h h h fe_oUed Thgn UnSCfeW the _OCk bO_tS and _lFt OFF
een C eane O _ft, an t en tl_ ten t e nUtS _
FF. _ h h h _
V b d _ the bfake dISC See FlßS 5-32 and 5-85 Tap On the
SU lClent y SO EUR at t e W ee CannOt e ISp aC_ ' ' '
d h h b _ h _ h InS_de OF the dISC WIth SeVefa_ _lßht b_OWS FfO_ a
e On t e U . e_OVe t e pfOpS. OWef t e
h. _ d . hEUR h h _ T. h p_aStIC ha__ef Of Sl_l_af tOO_ When FIttlnß CheCk
Ve IC e an tlß gn t e W ee nUt5. Ig ten ' '
EURh EUR _.EUREUR_ EUR . _ __ that EURhe ÇOntaCt SUfFaCe IS C_ean
gVefy O gf nU a l e a a tl_e, Untl a afe '
F. __ h d F ___4 k jF FOf any feaSOn a neW bfake dISC IS nOt aVal_ab_e
Ina y tlß tene tO a tOfqUe O p_ ' '
(_o-_oo _b FEUR ) the O_d One Çan be feÇOndltlOngd by Flne tUfnlnß.
' Hefe aCCUfate a_lonlno OF the dISC lS feqUlfed and
4. B_eed the FltEURed bfake Ca_lpef, See GfOUp 52. V V b d AF
_aChlnlnß ShOU_d be CaffIed OUt On Oth SI gS. tef
_ K __
the _aCh_nlnß the thICkneSS OF the dISC _USt nOEUR be
B A E Dl _e55 EURhan _3._4 __ (o._ _'') fof EURhe ffonEUR whee_
The bfakg dISC ShoU_d be eKa__ned w_th feoafd EURo bfakgS and 8.4 __ ('O.331 ''') FOf the feaf Whge_
EURhe FfICtlOn SUfFaCe, fUn-oUt and thlÇkng55.
U bfakeS. The SUfFaCe IffgßU_aflty ShOU_d be _aK. 3 _
_nla__ nlafk5 on EURhg Ff_Çt_on 5ufFaÇe of __n_no5 afe _gagUfgd On an afbltafy dla_etef and _aK. 5 _
OF _lnOf InlpoftanÇg, bUt fadIa_ 5ÇfatÇhg5 f_edUÇg _eaSUfed fadla__y. AFtef the feCOndItIOnlnß, the dIS'C
EURhe bfaklnß eFFeCt and InCfeaSe Weaf On EURhe _In_nOS. _USt nOt haVe a fUn-OUt OF _Ofe than O.1 __
Thg fUn-OUt _USt nOt eKCeed O.1 __ (O.OO4'')
-FOf (O.OO4'') and ItS thICkneSS _USt nOt Vafy _Ofe than
EURhe FfOnEUR Whee_ bfake5 and O.1 5 __ (O.OO6'') FOf the O O3 __ (O.OO12I').