Begin OCR Text:
2 F_t the new sealing rings in the cyIinder. see
Fig 5 23
3 fit one ol the pistons in the caliper Make sure
that the p_ston does not come at a slant or is
scored o_ that _t damages the p_n for the A S B -
d_v_ce If the brake caliper is provided w_th an
A S B device, press in the p_ston w_th tool SVO
28Og Cheçk the A S B-device for st_ffness with
a to_que wrench, see fig 5-29 The force requ_r-
ed to press in the p_ston should be between
2_8O kp/cm (1 7-7O Ib _n ) If the force re-
quired is otherwise, the p_ston must be replaced
4 fit and test the other p_ston 1n the same way as
above Place the rubber dust covers on the
A _r_L_C
' p_ston and hous_ng f_t the reta_n_ng p_ns
Fl0 5_28 RemDVln0 pIS_On
A Ruber sea_ 5 f_t the brake pads and the spacers Place one
of the reta_ning pins in posIt_on and fit the damp-
_ng spr_ngs and then the other reta_n1ng pin fit
INSPECTING the ha_rp_n_shaped reta_n_ng ç__ps Cheçk that
Before inspect_ng clean the parts accord_ng to the the pads are movable
instruct_ons g_ven under ''Clean_ng Group 5O Pay 6 F_t the b_eeder nipp_e
part_cular attention to the clean_ng of the channels
Check the p1stons and p_ns _n the caliper with a
view to the A S B-dev_çe _f the p_ns _n the ça_iper FITTING
are worn, the entire caliper must be replaced 1 Place the cal_per in posit_on Check that the
Seal_ng r_ngs and rubber dust covers should be contact surfaces of the reta_ner are clean and
replaced when reconditioning If there are any not damaged Check the location of the brake
scratches or suchlike _n any of the cyl_nders. cal_per in relat_on to the brake d1sc AK_al de_
change the ent_re cyl_nder hous_ng complete In- viation is checked by measuring with a feeler
spect the other parts and replace those that are guage on both s_des of the d_sc the d_stance
damaged and worn between disc and caliper support nib The dif-
ference _n measurement _s maK O 2f mm
ASSEMBLING (O O1 O'') The cal_per should be parallel w_th the
1 Coat the working surfaçes of the p_stons w_th d_SC Th_S iS CheCked by meaSuring the d1StanCe
brake f_uid to the Upper and lower suppo_t n_bS on the
Fig f-29 Checking A S B -device (early prod ) lOO3LIV2Ol F_g 3O Rear wheel brake c8liper assembled l0_5t3
5 15