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_ _ __açke_ f_e w_ee_ _u_5 5___g_f_y_ Te_po_af ___y qfo uo __f_ e_ d _ay go up _o abou_ j kp/çm_ (_oo p_5_ ___)__ bfake _'__e_ ffemOVe the attaÇh___g bOlt5 (1 a_d 3_ F__ß_ 5_25)_ ffemOVe the bfake çaf_pef_ 5ee flg_ 5_26_ D__MANTLING _ _ ffemOVe the ha_fp____5haped fefa____i_ß Çl_lp5 fOf fhe fefa'i____ß p__5_ _u_f Out O_e Of the feta_l_'l_g p'__5 Wh__e keep'__g the damp___g 5pf'__g6 ___ pOSl_ t__O__ _emOVe the 5ßf'__g5 a_d fhe_ fhe Othef feta_____g p'___ _u__ Ouf fhe pad5 a_d the 5paçefS_ 2_ ffemOVe the du5t ÇOVef feta'___i_ß f_i_ß5 a_d the du5t ÇOVef5_ _Jaçe the Ça_'_pef _l_ a V'ICe aS ___g_ _____ Deg_ w_ee_ k_gke u___ _i__e_ 5hOW_ ___ F__ß_ 5_2J_ F'it tOO_ _VO 2_Og a_d pfeSS _ A__a'____o' _b'o__ _ __ _e'a__ w__ee_ 'b'_'a'k'e U_a__pe_ o_e of fhe Di5to_5 dow_ to the bottom. F_t a 2 B_akg ___ne S B_eede_ nlpp_e 5u__ta__e _iee '_ef ço__eç__o_ 5ee ___g _-_ ___ _ke 3 AttaChln_ bO__ Ul U_ l U h L I h l ' __ _' _lld ÇaJ'_Fef_ _ açe a O5e p__eçe 'l_ t e Ca 'Ipef a_ fOfÇe Ouf fhe Othef p'I5tO__ The pfeSSUfe fe_ ffemOVe fhe p_l5tO__ _ _ _ b _ _ 3_ F__t the tOO_ a5 5hOW_ 'l_ F'iß_ 5_2_ W'Ith a SU'It_ eaf W ee fa e S OeS _b_Q __bbQ_ _Q__'___ A fOf fhe ffee Çy___def. _E_OV__G __feV55_ O_ut t_h_e _p_'_5_tO_____ ffemOVe the p'_5tO_ a_d the b_Oçk the Ve_t_hO_e __ the bfake ffu__d çO_ta___ef 4_ ffemOVe the 5ea_'__g f'i_ß5 W'_th the hefp Of a çap fO feduÇe _eakage_ b_u_t tOOJ_ Take çafe _Ot tO damage the edgeS 2_ j__k __ +ho F___+ o_d __d _J__O _____ __dO_ thD Of the gfOOVe5_ _ÇfeW Out fhe bleedef __lpple_ f_e_af aUK_fe__ CffelmUOllV_eCIIfheUWIIhe_e_U5___ffef_IeUaf5i7eUtIIhe_pIafk__ N___ __fh h___O_ _F thO b__kD ___'__O_ _h___d __f bQ l_ß bfake_ _D____UtOd_ TUh_Q_i7_QU_____ f_I_U t_h________If_ _thI __t V____Q__Vb_'i_V_ 3_ D_5ÇO__eçt the ß_pe ÇO__eçt'_O_ (2_ f__g_ 5_25)_ _O_f ft_hIe_5e_ ha_V_e5I Vf_eVqVU___feV5_ pfe_V55_U_fe t_e5t__lV__g__eQU__'Ip__ ffOm fhe Ça_'_pef a_d f'_t a pfOfeÇf_iVe çOVef O_ the me_f a_d 5peç_a_ f_uld fOf the 5ÇfeWS_ V_oO__gV_Oo Y__h__ Fio. f=26. _e_ovi_o _ea_ w_ee_ b_g_e _ai_pe_ Flg. 5.27. ReIlIOVl_0 plStOII f__14 _ _
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