Begin OCR Text: _)
F_g. fl9. Fittlng lront brake hoseS
When wofk_no w_th thg hvdfau__C SyStenl, ObSefVe _'
t_e __StfuCt._o
VnS un_ef
_____ean_ng__ an_ ___fa_e Fig. 5-2_. Remo_ing front _heel br8ke callper
FII_Uld' , GfOUF7 5O
F b _ _
3 DiSÇonneÇt the ÇOnneCt_OnS 5 and 6, Flg. 5-2O
_O__ _a e _a I__e__ Ff__ +he bf_k_
'_Un_SCf'ew th_e
_attaCh_no bo_tS (4 and _) and fe-
1 _laChen the Whee_ nUtS S_lght_y Te_pOfafljy
V_ove the bfakg Ca_lp_ef, Seg' Flg 5=2'1 P_aCe
pluo the Vgnt=ho_e In the bfakg F_Uld COntalnef the DfoteCt_ve Çovgf on the bfakg _lneS tO Ffe-
CapU_LO fedUCe _eakage vent' unneÇeSSafy _eakage
2 )aCk up the Ffont end and p_aÇe pfOpS Undef
the ffont iaÇk attaÇh_entS UnSCfew the whee_ Dl_MANTLING
nutS and _'_Ft OFF the Whee_S _ F3e_ove the ha_fpIn-Shaped fetaInIno C_lpS FOf
the feta_n_no p_nS PU__ oUt Ong oF thVe fetalnlng
D_nS whç_e hUoldIng the da_Flng SpflngS In pOSl_
t' _on _e_oue the SpflnOS and thg Othef fgtalnlng
pIn PU__ oUt the FadS
2 _e_ove the fgta_nInO flnOS Fof thg fUbbef dUSt
ÇovefS P_aCg a pleCVe oF
-WOOd, Slnll_af In Shape
to that ShOWn In Flg 5-3, betWeen the pl_tOnS
and DfeSS thg_ OUt aoalnSt the WOOd Wlth the
2 he_D
' of Co_ofeSSed
Valf, See FlO 5=22 The
D_St'onS Çan t'hen bg eaSl_y fe_OVUgd LeVef OFF
_ t
'hg fUbbef dUSt COVefS
3 _e_ove the Sea__no flnOS w_th thg he_F OF a
b_unt too_ _e Cafe-FU_ nO-t tO da_aoe the edße
OLi the OfOOVeS UnSCfeW the bleeVdef nlppleS
and ajSoUthe bfake _lneS
N._. _oth ha_VeS OF the bfake Ca_lpef ShOU_d nOt be
SeDafated Thg feaSon FOf thIS IS that the aSSe_b_=
_no' fgquIfeS teSt p7gSSUfe eQUlp_ent and SFeCla_
l'_UVld FOf the bO_tS
Fig f_2O Front wheel brake un_t lltled _N_pE___N_
l fr(_nf whc_ _l brn_ ke cal per primay circu_t _ U
' Lower hl__rd__r nippIL_ 6 CDnnect_on for BefOfe InSpeCtlng Clean all the paftS aCCOfdlnß tO
1 Uç_uei hlrL_dL__ ni__le SeCondaJy CirCUit t_e _nStfuÇt_onS g__ven un_ef ___ean_ng__ _foup __
_i Attac hing bolt 7 Attarhing bolt Il U UI ' U _V
5 _oiir_eLtion (cr Makg SUfe that the ChanneIS afe Clean
' _C 1 2