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5 Flt the neW padS, gee F_o 5-16 F_f one of the fetalnlng FlnS In pOS_tIOVn, then thg da_pIng SFfInßS and Flna__y thg othg_ fetalnlng p_n F__ the plnS Wlth the fetalnIng ç_IpS ChgCk fhat the padS afe _OVah_e 6 AFtgf the feqUISlte bfakg padS haVe bgen fe- FjaCgd, deFfeSS thg bfakg pgda_ SeVgfa_ t__eS to CheCk IF the _OVe_ent Ig nof_al _engfa__y fhg SySte_ dOeS nOt feqUIfe b_eedIng aFtef feplaç- Ing thg bfake padS 7 Flt fhe Whee_S aFtef the ContaCt SUfFaÇgS be- tWeen Wheel and bfake dISC haVe been C_eaned OF Sand, gtC Tlghten thg nUtS SO _uCh that the Wllee_ CannOt be _OVed Re_OVe thg F_opS LOWef the UehICje and geÇufg thg Whge_ nufS _ _____ Tlghten eVefy SeCond nUt a IIttle af a tI_e unt__ Fig. 5.-18 Flttln$ b_8_e p8ds a_j afe FIna__y tlghtened to a fOfqUe OF 1_14 kp_ (7O-1 OO jb Ft ) Reaf Wheel bfake U_____ 1 S_aCken the Wheel nUtS S__ghtly 2 jaCk Up the fgaf end and p_aÇe pfOpS Undgf thg feaf aK_e. Re_OVe the Whee_S 3 Re_OUe the halfpln-Shaped fgtaln_ng C_Ipg FOf 4 CafeFU_ly Clean thg CaVlty OCCUpIed by the padS the gUlde plnS, See Flg 5-1 O. PUjl oUt one oF _F a fUbbef ÇoVef IS da_aged, feF_aÇe It jF dlft the fetalnlng FlnS Whl_e kegFlng the da_plng haS penetfafed IntO the Cyjlndgf dUg tO a da- SpflngS _n pOSltlOn Re_OVe the SpflngS and _aged COvef, feCOndltlOn the bfake Unlt the the othef fetalnlng pln PU__ OUt thg padS 5 TO pfOVlde SpaÇg FOf the neW bfake FadS, the and the SpaCefS FIStOnS _USt be pfeSSed Into the CyllndgfS. _t ShOU_d be nOted that the bfake F_Uld leVe_ In the _aStef Cyllndgf Wl__ then fISe and the bfake F_Uld _ay pOSSIb_y SpUft OUt Take Cafe nOt tO da_aße the dISC OF pIStOn When FfeSSlng In the pIStOnS TOO_ SVO 28O9, Flg 5 1 7 Can be USed 6 Flt the neW padS, and the SpaCefS, See Flg 5=18 Flt One OF thg fetalnlng plnS In pOSltlOn and InSta__ the da_plng SpflngS and the Othef fetaln_ Ing pln FIK the plnS Wlth fetalnlng CjIFS CheCk that thg padg afg _OVab_e 7 AFtef the feqUISIte bfake FadS haVe been fg- pjaCed, depfegg the bfake peda_ SgVefa_ tl_eS tO ChgCk that the _OVe_enf IS nOf_a_ Genefa_jy the SySte_ doeg nOt feqUlfe b_efdlng aFtef fe- p_aClng the b_ake padS 8 Flt the Whee_S aFtgf the COntaCt SUFFaCeS be- tWeen Whee_ and bfakg dISC haVe been C_eaned OF Sand, etC Tlghten the nUtS So nlUÇh that the Whee_ Cannot be _OVed LoWef thg vghICle and tlghten the Wheej nUtS Tlghten eVefy SeCOnd _,c,__Lv,_o nUt a _ltt_e at a tl_e Untl_ a__ afe tlghtened tO F_g f_ll. Pu8hing in piston _ith A.S.B devl_e a flnal tOfqUe Of 1_14 kp_ (7_1 OO Ib ft ) 5__1 1
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America