Begin OCR Text:
_ A
g 1
2 3 _
ffeg_ pogi_io_ Bfake 6ppliCat_On
F_g _4 Fu____o_ Dl A.S.B. de_ite Fig. 5-_5. Bra_e t$llper wlth A S.B. de_lte
_ Washer 2 Spr1ng 3 Pin 4 Seal_ng rIng
ehe p,geo, (,,d ehu, ,_go ehe b,ake pad) _g p,egged _f ehe _aeeral movement of the brake d,sc (when
aga,,ge ehe b,,ke d_,gç a,d eh _g ,emoueg the ç_ear- d,_v_ng on rough ground or round bends) shOuld
a,çe, A _f d,,ea,çe A _g ,ow g,eaee, eha, d_geançe now be greater than d istance A, the PiStOn IS
B, eh,g mea,g ehae ehe wagher (_ , F_g _-_ 5) _, pu__- moued baçkwards _nto the cyl inder Ow_ng to the
,,g ehe ,p,,,g (_) w,eh ,e _, ehe d_reçe_on of ehe F,_ce,o, between the spring and the p_n _n the A S B
b,ake d_,gç whe, ehe b,ake peda_ _g re_ea,ed, ehe deviçe, the lateral movement of the p_ston Wil l , Ot
p,,eo, _g moved baçkwa,d, by ehe gea_ _ng ring (4) be greater than that of the d IS C
,o ehae ç_earances A and B are restored
_ E _A l _ l N S T _ U _T l O N S
_Ep_A____ __AKE pAD_ e,aeed,nto the cyl_ nder due to a damaged COVe,_
_ d h b 3 ehe b,ake un_t should be reconditioned To
__he b,ake pads shou Id be replace w e, a OUt b k d eh
k o p,ovide gpaçe fo, the neW ra e pa S, e
mm (1 /8'') of the l_n_ ng thiC ness ,emal, S , nO d h _ d _e
b d b _ p_geon S m U St be p,eSSe IntO t e Cy In erS
aççoune must the l_n_ng S e wof, OW, tO e OW F d _ _ h
ghou_d be ,oeed ehae the b,ake Ul eVe l, t e
1 5 mm (1 /1 6'') h d h b k
f _ _ _ b F e mageer çy_,,de, Wll_ t e, rISe an e e ,a e
_he fu,çeion and l ifetime o the i, _,gS Wl e,e l T k e e
d d h b flu _d may poss_bly Spurt Out a e Cafe , O O
if _e,gehy and hefty bfak_ng l S aVO, e l , t e e- h eh
damage the d_ SC of p IStOn W e, preSSlng l, e
ßl,,l,ß T _ _vo _gog F 5 _ _ ça be u,ed
pl SeO, S OO , Ig - , n
Front wheel brake un its
1 S lacken the wheel nuts sl_ghtly
_ Jaçk up the veh _cle and place props under thf
f,o,e jaçk attachments U nscrew the wheel nUtS
and lift off the wheels
3 Remove ehe hairpin-shaped lock_ng cl _ps for the -
gu_de p_,, Ful l out one of the lock p_ ns wh _ le
ho_d _,g ehe damper springs _n place RemoVe
ehe ,pri,g, and the other lock pin Draw out the
q _arefully clean out the cav_ty in wh_ch the padS
f_e. _f a,y of the rubber dust covers are damag- 'iO_j_'_'_
ed, ehey ghou _d be ,eplaçed _f d_,e hag pe,e- Fig 5_l6. F_fling bra_e Pad6
5 1 O