Begin OCR Text:
1 2 3 4 which holds the spr_ng securely on the piseon, a_go
a µin (2) wh_ch is pressed _nto the caliper The
Spr_ng moves on the p_n w_th a certa_n amount of
fr_ction The seal_ng rings (1) have a square gection
and pfess aga_nst the piston from the gl_ght_y ob__-
_Ue groove in the hous_ng The function of ehe
Sealing rings _s partly to prevent brake f_u_d from
Oozlng out and partly to return the p_stong to the
reSt pos_t_on after brak_ng The rubber duse coverg
C6) Prevent d_rt from entering. The brake pads (13)
afe prou_ded w_th bonded façing and are he_d in
Posit_on by means of retaining p_ns (16)
__$. __. _,g_e _,_,,,,__,. ,e,, w_ee_ '_''' FuNcT_oN
l Drive shaft 3 Cover plate HyD_AU___
2 Brake diSC 4 Rea, brake ea_ipe, The Upper Cy__ndefS of the front wheel brake un_es
and the right rear wheel brake unit are connected
disc occas_oned by _aeera_ cast (due to the aKia_ thfough brake lines to the primary çhamber of ehe
play of the drive sha_s when dr_v_ng round bendg maSter Cylinder, se F_g 5-t 1 In the same way ehe
or on rough ground). The A _ _ dev_çe prevenes a lOwer Cyl_nders of the front wheel brake un_ts and
reduct_on _n the pedal trave_ (that _s, the d_gtance the left rear wheel brake unit are conneceed to the
from ehe peda_ position at fu__ brake app__cat_on to maSter Cylindef throUgh the seCondary chamber.
the floor plate) The A S B dev_ce cons_sts of the
following Csee Fig 5_1O) A spring (3), a washer (4)
1 Flg_ 5_IO Rear bra_e eal_pe,. ea,_y p,Dd
l Seal_ng ring 1O g_eede, __pD_e
2 Pin li _o__ -
3 SpJing l2 _e_ai_i_g e__p _ [3 u_oo,_,U3p
4 Washer _3 g,ake pad _ d
5 PiSton l4 _,,e, _a__ p,eeCgOg,u,eaY_eggflrCUlt pP,,__aYe_Cl,CUlt
6 Rubber dust coue, l5 Da_p__g gp,__g eSSUf eSS
7 Retaining ring i6 ffe_a____g p_,
8 Channel lf Spaee, Fig. 5_l_. _eg_ pogi_io_
9 Outer ha_f l wa,,_,g _a_p
_ 8