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w H E E _ B _ A K E u _ _ _ _ GROUP 5_ D E__ _ _ ___ O _ FRONT WHEEL BRAKE uN_T_ F_g 5_7 shows how the brake componen(g are _o- Cated at the front wheels The d_sc (1) _s of cast IrOn and IS attached to the wheel hub w_th whiçh It rOtateS The Cover plate (2) protects the d_gC from d_rt Mounted on the stub aKle is the fron( whee_ ça_iper (3) which houses the wheel un_( çyl_nders and brake pads The front wheel brake ça_iper çong_g(s of a hous_ng in two haIues (6 and 14, F_g _-g) bolted together and located on either s_de of (he hrake dlsc Each half conta_ns two cyl_nderg and PIStOnS The upper cyl_nder _s completeIy separa(ed from the lower one, but both upper and lower çy_in- def are each connected through çhanne_g (o ehe COffeSpOnd_ng cylinder _n the other ha_f The funç- t_on of the seal_ng r_ngs (1) _s partly to preven( brake flu_d from ooz_ng out and partly to reeurn the pIStonS to the res( pog_e_on a_er brak_ng _ub- F_g h8 Fron_ wheel brake eal_per ber dug( çoverg (3) preven( dir( From en(er_ng EaCh l Seal_ng r_ng g Bo__ _ h ' 2 PistDn g _e_ai_i_g ___p Sea ing r_ng as a square sect_on and pregges 3 Rubber dus_ cDver 1o erake pad aga_ng( ehe p_g(on From (he g__gh(_y ob__que groove 4 Reta_ning ring 11 LDwer b_eeder __pp_e h h Th f Channel _2 Da_pi_g _pri_g in t e ous_ng e brake pads (1 O) are prov_ded 6 ou_er _a__ 13 Re_ain_ng p_n w_(h bonded FaC_ngg and are he_d _n pos_(_on by 7 Upper blefdfr nipple l4 Inner ha_f means of reta_n_ng pins (13) REAR WHEEL BRAKE UNlTS (Footbrake component) fiß 5-9 shows the locat_on of the brake compo- nentS on the rear wheeIs The brake d_sc (2) is of Cast _ron and is f_Ked to the dr_ve shaf( w_(h wh_çh _t rotates The cover plate (3) prevents dirt from reaching the d_sc The rear wheel brake cal_per is mounted to the rear aKle CaSinß wlth the help of a reta_ner _( houses the wheel unit cyl_nders and brake pads le congis(g of a hous_ng d_vided In two halves (9 and 14, F_g 5-1 O) bolted together and located on e_ther g_de of the brake d_sc Each haIf contains a p_g(on and a CyIlnder linked by means of a channeI in (he houg- _ng _ _ 3 vo,uo The early prod type cal_per is prov_ded wi(h an '''''' A S B Lanti_shake back) dev_ce The funct_on of Flg f7 Br8ke eompone__g, fron_ w_eei (he A S B dev_Ce ._g eo keep ehe p_g(ons and (he l Brake dig_ b k d ( (h d F _ _over p_a_e ra e pa S a e COrreCt IStanÇe rOm (he brake 3 Front brake caliper disç when (here ig çons_derab_e movemen( oF (he _.7
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