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p,d,_ a,d ma_,ta_, thig p,eggu,e. Sta,t the en- er nipple on the leFt rear Wh,el bfake U,,t g_,,e. He,e a ,ot_,çeab_e _owe,_ng oF the peda_ and to the upper nipple on one of the f,O,t gho,_d be Fe_t whe, the ge,vo çy_,nde, gta,tg wheel brake units. Apply the footbrake W,th to ope,ate. the pedal jaCk to the in Com_,g pfeSSUfe aC- _ 1 Cording to the table below. Read off the _,- 7 Stop the eng ine after it has run at eaSt F _ _ k _ Com ing pressure on the pressure gauge of m i,ute With the help of the peda jaC a PP y b R d FF h t ' _ i j the f,ont wheel rake un it. ea o t e OU - a hyd,au_iç p,eggure of 25 kpJcm 356 p.s.i. . h h _ going pressure on the gauge w i C i S Con,,Ct- Wait a couple of minutes. __he hyd,aU _C P,eSS- h _ b k . F h . t i _ i ed to the ,ea, w ee ra e un it. rom t e pOin u,e ghou _d not d,op more than 5 kp cm 71 _ d ) of view of leakage. the brake ua ue is not e- P_S__ _ _ F t. .F th ,_, ,,,_t,,,d F,, eC ive i e preSsUre fem l S 8. Check the warning valve. ConneCf a hoSe tO at _eagt 1 _ geçondg. one of the bleeder n ipples of the teSting d,UiCe and open the deuiçe. Switch on the ignition _ _ _ _ gw__tCh a,d çheçk that the wa,n_ng _amp _ightg Incoming pressure 25 45 1 OO kpfcm2 (p.g.i.) (355) (64O) (l 422) when the parki ng brake is appl ied_ j j Re_eage the parking brake. With a pedal jack Ou_going pressure 25 31 .h36_5) (47.h5_4___5) _ th F tb k _ _ wh the wa,,_ng kpfi_ (p.s.i.) (355) i44h51 9 67h app y e oO fa e S OW y. en _amp lights. check the pressure on the press- u,e gauge. The lamp should l ight at a press_re 1 o. Check the other brake valve in the same WaY d _FFe,e,çe of _1 5 kp/cm2 (7 1 -21 3 p.s.i.) be- by ço,neCt_ng it to right rear wheel brake twee, the Ci,çuitg. u,it and the inner, lower n ipple of the ffO,t Afte, the test, shut off the bleeder nipple and whee_ brake unit. remove the pedal jack. Disconnect the eleCt,iC 1 1 . _aCk up the veh_ C_e go that the wheelg rotate Cab_e and unscrew the warning valve SW,tCh F,ee_y. App_y a,d ,eleage the b,ake duri,g go that the Wafning ualu, retUrnS to itS ,Ofmal h_çh a CheCk _g made to gee if the whee_g W pogition Sçrew in the electric switch to a tigh- b tated The whee_g ghould be f,ee fo, _ Can , rO . tening torque of 1 .4-2.O kpm (1 _1 4 Ib_ft_)_ ha_F a geço,d a_e, the peda_ hag been ,eleas- Connect the electric Cable_ ed. The tegt ghould be çarried out with and g. Ch,,k th, b,,ke va_ve oF the geCo,da,y C_,çu_t without a partial vacuum in the servo bfake by ço,necting the testing devices to the bleed- CYlindef_ FAu_T TRACl NG SCHEME Test _ _ _ ope,a- Fau_t Cause RemedY tion 3 __ ' _ peda_ too _ow o, too high _ Faulty brake pedal or carpet J Adi USt q Fad_ng p,eggu,e Damaged brake l ine Replace the dama9,d lin, __oCked hoge Replace hos, D,FFe,enCe be_ee, çirçuits Leakage in one of the circuits See POintS 5 greater than 3 kpJcm2 F l t l_ d ReCond__t_on magte, çyl__nde, au ty maS e, Cy _n ef l (42.7 p.s.i.) 5 The p,eggu,e d,opg E_ternal leakage Tighten Co,,eCt_O,S and f,- place line or recondition leak- ing part Leak_ng b,ake va_ve Recondition or replace brake valve Leaki,g gea_ in wheel Un it Cy- ReCondition Wh,el Unit Cyl _,_ linde, der Leaking gea_ i, magter cylin- Recondition mastef Cylinder der 5.4
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