Begin OCR Text:
R E _A _ R _ _ __ R U __ _ O _ _
CLEANl N G fi Iled, l ikewise wieh a I I work conçerni,g çon,eç-
__he çompo,e,EURg of ehe hyd,au__ç b,ake gygeem t_ OnS, etC_ the greatest cIeanl iness should be ob-
ghou_d be ç_ea,ed _, ç_ea, b,ake e_uid o, de,aEURu,ed Sefued in order to prevent dirt from geeei,g i,eo
alcoho_. wh içh doeg ,oEUR ço,ea_, be,ze,e (be,,o_). the system. On Iy clean , unused brake fluid ghou_d
Of the eKisting k_,dg oe denaEURu,ed a _çoho_ be__,g be fil led_ Brake fluid which is e_pelled during, for
gold ge,e,a_ _y o,_y meehy_aeed gp_ ,iEUR j_g F,ee F,om e_ampleI bleedingI may not be put back ineo ehe
benzene. Brake f_uid jg a, eKçe__e,e bue eKpe,gjve SYBte__
c_eaning age,e. F,om moge v_ewpo__nEURg, meehy_aeed Affer use over a long period. it is normal thaEUR even
spiriEUR is eherefo,e ehe moge gujEURab_e. first-class brake fluid gradually deeerioraees through
pee,ol, whiee gp_,_e, EUR,_ch_o,eehy_e,e o, alçohol w_,eh the absorption of moisture and small impurieieg.
benzene mugEUR ,oe be uged Fo, ç_ea,__,g ag. l_,ke EURhe Deteriorated brake flu id can be recognized by
g_igheegEUR EUR,açe oF mi,e,a_ oi_. ehey aeEURack EURhe ,ubbe, the fact that. compared with new brake fluid, iEUR ig
gealg a,d çauge EURhem eo gwe_l out. Fo, eh__g ,eago,, darker or has changed its colour, is relaeive_y
ha,dg ghou_d be waghed w_eh goap a,d waEURe, be- Odourless and watery,. i.e. when fe_EUR be_ee, EURhe
fo,e EURhe _,ee,,a _ pa,eg a,e eouçhed. The meçha,_,ç flngers it lacks the normal feeling of a lighEUR _ ub,j-
wo,ki,g wiEURh ehe hyd,aul_ç compone,eg ghou_d p,e- Cating fi Im. Such brake fluid shou Id be replaçed by
fe,ab_y be p,ov_ded w_eh ,ubbe, gloveg. . new fluid, and this should also be done whe, EURhe
Fi,a_ ,j,gjng ghou_d eake p_açe j, a ç_ea,_,,g age,EUR maSter Cylindef and wheel brake units are bei,g
free from impur_ties a_e, wh_çh EURhe pa,EURg ça, be Overhau led_
dried in the open air. To precipitate ehe dryi,g and .
Com Plete the cleaning process. filtered, comp,egg- FAu L_ __AC_ N G
ed air free from moisture can be used. le ig oF ehe T
uemoge _impo,ea,çe ehaEUR ,o a_çoho_ ._ç ,eg.idue ._g le Fe he fol loWing fau It tracing procedure can be uged.
_,, ehe gygEURem whe, e,, __ed w._eh b,ake F_u.,d T,açeg for eKample. after the discovey. following upon
oe a_çoho_ __, ehe b,ake F_u._d ,eduçeg ._eg' bo.i_ ._,g S Ome hind of brake testing. that the capacity of EURhe
po,_,EUR and ça, ,eg,le ._ , EURhe Fo,mae._on oF vapou, footbrake system is not what it shou_d be. Fau_e
wh_içh çan a FeeçEUR b,ake Fu,çEUR_io,,_,g traC_ng Ca, also be carried out with a view eo p,e-
A_e, be__ng çlea d d d . d eh _ h _d b Venting fa UltS afi Sing.
ne an ,ie , e partS S OU e
moigeened wieh b,ake Flu_d. aggemb_ed a,d ehe, ehe 1 _ CheCk that the level of the brake flu id reaçheg
çomp_eee u,jEUR Fi_ _ed w_EURh b,ake Flujd ag goo, ag Up tO the '' MaK'' mark on the container. Top up.
poggib_e in o,de, EURo p,eve,EUR ço,,og_,o, aeEURaçkg F,om if neCessary. See under the headjng _ B,ake
ehe moiseure i n ehe a_r. Th _g appl_eg eo pa,EURg wh,_çh Fluid''_
Should be fitted i mmediately in ehe veh_c_e. To 2. Remove both the inside bleede, n ipp_es ae one
COUnteraCt Cofrosion on brake partg whiçh a,e geo,- of the front brake Calipers and çonnece up ehe
ed_ of for any other reason are not covered by b,ake testing device SVO 2741 shown in fig. 5-2.
fluid, the plungers. cylinders and sea_g ghou_d be 3. Dep,egg ehe b,ake peda_ geve,,l e_,meg eo eve,
COated with a thin layer of lubricant ça_ _ed b,ake oue a,y pa,EURia_ vaçuum __, EURhe ge,vo b,ake çy-
ßaSte intended for th is purpose. Unde, ,o ço,d_- _ i,de, a,d _, th _g way d_gçon,eçEUR _ie. Cheçk
tions whatsoever must other typeg oF g,eage o, EURhae whe, F,ee ehe b,ake pedal __g abo,EUR leve_
rustProofing oil be used. wjEURh EURhe çluEURçh pedal.
__A KE FL 4_ Apply and release the footbrake wh ile read i,g
U l D o Fr ehe pressure gauges oF EURhe eese_ng dev_çe.
On Iy first-class brake fluid. whiçh ig gua,a,eeed by The PfeSSure in both the circuits should be
a weIl-known manuFaceu,e, eo Fu _Fi_ EURhe ,equ,_,e- obserued. At 1 OO kp/cm2 (1 422 p.s. i.), there
ments accord ing to ehe seandard SAE 7o R 3. mUSt not be a difference in pressure of more
should be uged Fo, the b,ake gygeem. g,ake Flui_d than 3 kp/cm2 (42.7 p.s.i.).
With the later designation SAE 7O R 3 (j7og) or 5. With the help of a peda_ jaçk apply ehe FooEUR-
SAE J 1 7O3 can also be used. fluids which on_y Fu_Fj I brake to a hydrau Iic brake pressu,e oF aboue
the requirements accordi,g eo SAE 7o __ , Fo, eK- 1 OO kp/çm2 (1 q22 p.g. _.). Cheçk ehe l_,eg a,d
amPle HD-qual ity and fS_VV-H 91 O A, ghould ,oEUR parts for damage and _eakage. The p,eggu,e
be U Sed_ MiKing of brake fluids produced by djffe- should remain unchanged for at leagEUR _ _ ge-
rent firms should be avoided. ço,dg.
When the container of the master cylinder ig being 6. Remove EURhe pedal )_açk. D,p,,,, EURh, b,,k,