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_ __ _ _ _ _ Ev__o_ov _3o3 E _ A _ GRO UP 5O TO O LS The FO__OWlnß S_eCla_ too_S afg USed Fof _gDa_f wo_k On khe bfakg SvSte_ ' __ --- The tgSflnß deV _lCe (Flß. 5-2) IS USed, Fof g_anl__e, to -___ - tfaCg FaU_tS In the bfake SyStg_. _vo ____ Re_OVa_ OF the Ç7lSkOnS In thg F_ont bfakg Ça___ef _S _ade gaSlgf Wlth the he__ oF Wooden _nSgftS aÇ= COfdlnO tO FlO 5-3 A hOSgV COnnVgCtlOn (See 2, FiO 5-q) _S fgoU_fgd Fof fe_OVlnß the _lStOnS In the fUgaf bfakg C 'ajI_efS FOf b_gedlnß thg SyStg_ a b_ggdgf Untf, oF the fvDe ShOWn In Flß. 5-5, IS USed A COnneCtIOn CoVe_ (_S'ee 1 , Flß. 5-4) IS ajSO feqUlfed Fof ÇonneÇt_no the unif tO the bfake F_Uld COntalnef. V Flg. 5-l. _pgcig_ too_g SVO 214O Bleeder tool SVO 2742 Holder for cable spring SVO 28O9 Tool for presslng in and Checking pigtons 6 5 _ 1 2 _ VlOO3LVl7U7 3 Fig. 5_. Connections 2 l Connccl_on _ (Can bf obtainCd IronI Vo_Vo SerV_ce) 2 Connection for brahe _aliper Y___ FIg. f2 Teating device SVO 214l l Nipple plug 4 Hose 2 Connection nipple __ Bleeder tap 3 Enlarging nipple 6 Prcssure gaug_ _ _O - _. i 9l_5 _lO _ VQ_VOl __ -- - 21O - - _ IC_ _5d __ Fl0_ f3. WOOden lnae_ _COnt bCake calipeCg F_g. f_5. _leedeC u_i_ 5 1
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