Begin OCR Text:
_. P_aCe thg feaf aK_e In FIxture _VO 2__4 on a
jaCk, See Flg 4-_62. MOVg the rear ax_e under
the VehIC_e and Flt on the bo_tg For the torque
and SUppO_ StayS.
2 f_t the springg in poglt_on and ra_ge the rear
aX_e. Flx the tfaCk rod, ghoCk abgorberg and
ShOCk abSOfber bandS and çonneCt up the brake
3 FIt thg fgaf SeCtlOn oF the prope__er shaff to the
rear aK_e F_ange. COnneCt the brake _ineg and
bleed the brakeS. Ad)ugt the parklng brake
___Vo__ 4 Flt the WheeIS _e_ove the propg and _ower the
F_g _-_$_. F____u_e _o_ _g_ a_ie VehIC_e Tlghten the Whee_ nufS to a tofque of
___4 kp_ (7O-_O _b _). F___ thg rear ax_e w_th
Ol_ 4__63