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TO CheCh the lOCatlOn O_i t'he ß1nIOn, USe a dIal IndICatof, IndlÇatof fgt3_nef _VO 22ß4 and a _eaSUflng too_ _VO 23g3, Wh_Çh Çong_gtg oF tWO paftS a ßlnlon gauge and an ad)ugtgf Fl_tUfe _dg Y____ Fig. 4-l51_ Determining shIm thIG_ness 1 Ad)ust_ng r_ng 2 D1al _ndicator 3 Bearing cDmplete The CheÇk Ig Caffled OUt In thg _o__oW_no Way P_aCe the ßIntOn On the gfOUnd SUfFaÇeVoF the ßlnlOn and the ad)UStlng )lg In the dIFFefentIa_ beaflng ßOglflOn aS ShOWn In Flg 4__40 __aÇe the tnd_CatOr fetalnef On the dr_ve p_n_on Carrigr and ZefO-Set the gaUge agaInSt the ad)ugtlng )Ig, IO_LV4__' Seg Flg. 4-_4g Then _OVg fhg _ndtÇatOf fgta_ng_ Fig. _l_ LoGatlng mea8uring tools ovef go t_af __e _n__Çafof Ço_eg aga_ngt f_e ßlnlOn gaU_geS,'_See FUlg 4-_5O _ _F the ßlnlOn IS, FOf eKa_ß_e, _afked 33, the ßlnlOn gaUge ShOU_d jle O 33 __ (O O_3'') Undgf the ad)uStef FIKtUfe The Settlng lS ad)USted by tUfnlng the Ca_ On the plnlOn UntI_ the gaUge dla_ ShOWS the COffeCt VajUe Then _OCk the ad)UStlng flng Wlth the jOCk SCfeW RgnloVg thg _eaSUflng tOO_ and ßlnlOn 3 P_aCe the COnlp_ete feaf ßlnlon beaf_no w_th thg OUtef flng In _eaSUflng F_KtUfe _VO 26VOO Put on the ß_ate, SßfInß and nUt TUfn the nUt WIth the F_at Slde FaClnß UßWafdS. The p_ate, and thefeby khe beaflng, IS tUfned FO_afdS and baCkWardS wLw SeVefaj tl_eg SO that the fO__efg fakg uß thg ÇOf Il_J_ p feCt pOSltlOn _aCe the ad)UStIng fIng In the FI0 4_149 Zer_SettIn9 IndIGatOr _eaSUflnß FIKtUfe aS ShOWn In Flg 4__5_ uSe fetalnef _VO 2Z84 and dla_ IndICatOf and p_aÇg the _eaSUflng ßOlnt OF the lndICatOf OpßOSIte the ad)Ugtlng flnß and ZefO-Set thg IndlÇatof Then Set the ßOlntef OF the _ndICatOr to thg oUter flng OF the beaflng The dlaj IndICatOr nOW ShOWS at OnCe the thICkneSS the Shlnlg Shou_d haVe MeaSUfe Shl_S FOf the COffeCt thICkneSS Wlth a _ICfO_etef, See Flg 4-_52 N.B. jt Ig aj_ _OSt l_ßOSSlbjg tO Obtaln a Shlnl Wlth eKaÇf_y the COffeCt thICkneSS HOWeVef, they _USt not be O O3 __ (O OO_2'') thICkef than the _eaSUfed Va_Ue, bUt Up tO O O5 __ (O OO2'') thlnnef 4. PfeSS the feaf beaflng On the plnIOn Wlth SleeVe VOlVO _VO 23g5 gee F_Q 4-_53 _ _ The waghef _4537 ' V Fig _l5O. Measurlng pinion loGation Undef the Feaf beaflng Innef fInß _USt _Ot be 4 5g
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