Begin OCR Text:
_ _
D l_ _A____ _ _
1 _ PlaCe fhe feaf aX_e '__ f__Xfufe _VO 2522_ __hÇt
feaf aXIe __S __aÇed W_th fhe u_defS__de Of fhe_
fl_al df'_Ve faÇj'_ß j'_WafdS tO fhe f'_Xfufe S____ _f_
Whe_ the _j'__'O_ '_ S PO'__t_j_ß dOW_W__d_4_
_OVe fhe bfake DI DeS.
2_ _laÇke_ khe bOJt_S
_fO F fhe bfake b_Çk'_ __ ___kO4
l a_d bfake ShOe feka'_ _ef_ _heV a__A 4_
_____fkOU_ O_dV
thfO Ußh the hO_eS '__ the df'_Vle S_hVaF_f
PUll OUt the df'_Ve ShaftS W'_fh Pu__ef _VO__2_j
See F'lß_ q_ _ 2J_
3_ Re_OVe fhe '_ _SPeÇt__O_ ÇOVef_
4_ _f the fj'_3_ df'_Ve '_ S be'__ß _O___d'_f'___Od bO_
Ca U Se Of _O'_ Se_ fhe ÇO_t__aÇf
_SVh_O___d b_A
uo_vo CheÇked befOfe d'_ Sa SSe_b_
'__ß EUR_kO4 _____O_ _V4
F_ _ __ F_ _ __
_I_Z ' th'l S _'_ßht a SSj'St '__ _ OÇaf'__ß_ fhe_ FVa___tf
l0. _ . __ _$ a_ae d h
_ _ U V' _
O'l_ß t '_ S_ ÇJea_ khe keeth SO that __ _'_4jO_d_
l _ß CO_taÇk Paktef_ 'jS Obfa'__ed_
5_ _heÇk the a_jß__e_f _3fk_j_ßS __ thO ___ __d
Caff'lef_ See f'_ß _ 4_1 35_ _f theFe_
_a fe
2_ DjSÇO__eÇt khe fea F PfO Pe__ef Sha_ SeÇt'_O_ ffO_
the f_a_ße O_ the P'__'_O__ D'_ SÇO_ _eÇf fhe bfake
l 'l_eS fO fhe feaf aXle ÇaS___ß_
3_ D'l SÇO__eÇf the ffaÇk fOd_ ShOÇk abSOfbefS a_d
ShOCk abSOfbeF ba_dS ffO_ fhe feaf aX_e a_d
the bfake ÇableS ffO_ the bfaÇketS a_d _eVefS
O_ fhe bfake baÇk'__ß P_ake_ U Se tOO_ _VO 2j92_
See Pa_ 5_
4_ _IaÇke_ the bO_tS a ÇOu P_e Of tuf_ S fOf the
tOFq Ue a_d SU P POft Stay aff3Çh _e_tS tO the
bOdy_ LOWef the feaf aK_e a_d fe_OVe the
S Pf'l_ß S_ Re_OVe the bOltS fOf the __OfQue fOd S
a_d S U P POff af_S a_d P U J_ O Uf fhe feaF aX_e_ Fl$. _-__. E__a_d__o d_i_e Di_io_ _a__ie_
lOl _92
F_0. ____5. A__O_____ _a____o o_ _aD a_d _a__jg_ Fl$. ____7. Rg_OVIIl$ _ea_ _lIllOIl bea_lIl0 _8CB
_ 4 __ 55