Begin OCR Text:
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26_ g6 2__ 2gO6 203_ 2g3g 2g3g 4O3O 4_ J_J_2_ p
Fig. 4=l24. Spetl8 I toolg lor rear $_le
SVO l _l Standard handle _ a X _ mm SVO 2_ 0rIft For remoui _g ou(e_ _j _g f_o_( pio_oo bear Ing
SVO l B45 PreSs tool for titt1 ng flange SVO Z_ Measur_ng fi_(u_e fo_ ad)ug(iog __ogg
SVO 2261 Pul ler for flange SVO 26O1 HD Ider for expaoder tool SVO 2394 (f_tted oo (ool)
SVO 22_ R Et6 iner for dial i ndi CatOf for f_ na I dr_ VC adju Stmeot SVO _ Spanner for ad)ugtin$ ring SVO _
SVO 2392 PU l lef For rear p I n I Dn beafi ng SVO 2_5 Ad) U_ting ring pinlon
SVO 2393 Measuring lool for adjustment of pInion SVO _ Pre SS tool for fit(_og outer ringg. pon_on bear_ng
SVO 2394 Expander too l used (o remoui ng and fitting d_fEURerent_a l SVO 27O9 Pul ler for dr_ve ghgf_
SVO 2935 S l eeve for Iilting _nner r1 ng rear pi nion beari ng SVO 2Tl 4 Fi_ture for re8r axle. used on garage jaCk for removi ng
SUO 24O4 Tool fof fitting front p inion bEari ng and fittiog _eg_ g__e. gee Fig 4__0O
SVO 2%3 PUl ler for d_fefent Ia l Carfler bearl ngS SVO æ37 CoUnterhold fo_ f(aoge
SVO 252O Stand (F_g 4_l 42) SVO 2_ Tool for f_tt_ng oi l gea l 6t fIBnge
SVO 2522 Fixture for rear a_le (uSed together with stand SVO SVO 2_ PrESS tool for remov Ing and f_tt_ng bea__og and r_ng
252O Work on the final drive) ( F_g 4-1 42) on drive gha_ _oo_
SVO 29o Adjusti ng ri ng S for di Herent_a l SVO 2_ Ri ng for f_ttl ng bearlng and lock r_ng oo drive 8haft
SVO 297 Bfake for crown wheel . u8ed when checking tooth Used (oge(he_ wi(h SVO _
fontaCt SVO 4O3O PU l ler for oi l geal a( flange
SVO 298 Drift for removi ng outer ring rear pinion beari ng SVO 4l l 2 0rift for F_tti ng differential carr_er bear_ng$ _ __ 51