Begin OCR Text:
R E PA _ R _ ___ R U__J O _ _
_ jaCk Up the veh_C_e SlaCken the propellef eha_
FrO_ the rear aK_e F_ange Bend baÇk the _oÇk
WaSher and UngÇrgW the nut a_ the g_id_no ioint
PU__ OUt the pfOpf__fr ShaFt tO the reaf
2 LOOSen the COvef FOr thg SUppOft beaf_ng Pu__
OFF the COnlFletg guppoft beaf_no
3 Press the oId bearing out oF th_e rubbef _oug-
Ing Flt In the neW bearlng
4 Flt the SUppOrt bgarlng and the othef paftg in
the reVerSe Ofdef to re_ovIng _f the epJ_ned vo_vo
)Olnt appearS dry lUbrICate It WIth gfeaee _i_ed lOl7l8
Flg _ l2_ Renlovlng splder, l
Wlth _O_ybdenU_ dlgU_phlde Re_e_bef that the pfope__ef ghaFt _g tubu_af and
RE_OU___ Can eaSlly be deFor_ed
) k_
_th'_ S_ k h __ h _ F 3 Wlth a ha__ef and _etal pUnÇh df_ve the ep_def
aC Up e Car aC en t e pfope gf g a fo_
th b d _ F_ ._h _ aS Far aS It Wll_ gO In One d_reçton _he need_e
e ßear OK an feaf aK e angeg g bo tg Çan be
_ d b h _ beaflng Wl_l then CO_g about ha_f wav out
OOSfne y an alr l_paÇt wfenÇ and gpeça _
goÇket _V_ 2_4_ gee F_g d-_ _o _ ooeen +_e çovef 4 Then drIVe the Splder ag Far ae _t w_l_ oo _n the
fof the eVupVpofV+ _Veafing'an__ta'_'eV_o_wn t_e
_Ç_o_piete OppOSte dlreCtlon, ge F_g 4-_ 2_
prOpeller ehafi'
' 5 DfIVe OUt One Of the needlg bear_nge with a thin
_eta_ pUnCh Re_OUe thg Spidef, gee F_o 4=_22
_i__ _ ___ ___ DfIVe OUt the Other need_e beaf_no
_ _ d b k h _ k h d
en aC t e OC Wag ef an ungÇfew the nut
F th t b R h lt IS eKtre_ely l_pOftant to eneufe that the pfo-
Or e SUppOr earlng enloVg t e fgaf ggÇ-
t F th __ h _ p __ FF h pel_ef ShaFt IS Stralght S_nÇe even __nof da_aoe
IOn O e pfOpe er S a U O t e SUppo_ u
b On a prOFellef Shaft Can çauee v_bfat_on ingpeçtion
2 T k h lTlUSt be Caffled OUt Vefy CafeFUl_y The ehaft ehou_d
a e t e SUppOrt bearlng OUt oF the houg_ng b b
e Set Up etWeen Çgntree and çheÇked a_ono _tg
entlfe Ienßth Wlth an IndIçatof gauge while
__t ig
DISMANTLING THE UNIVERSAL lOlNTS fotatino _f it ig out-oF.tfue _ofe than o 2_ __
_ Re_ove the gnap f_ngg w__Ç_ eeÇufe t_e nee__e (O O_ O_V_), the Sha_ _USt bg fgp_aÇgd
beaf_ngg _n the yokee eee_ F__g d-___
U' N.B. NO atte_pt ShOUld bg _ade to gt_aighten a
2 S th h F
'_Vh da_a0ed pfOpellef Sha_ - it ghould be _epla_ed
eCUre e S a t In a VICe SO t at t g Un_Vefea_
. b_ WIth a neW one
JOlnt CO_eS aS near aS pOee_ e to the v_Çe jawg _
Flg __l2O ffe_ov__g Snap rIng Fig ____ ffe_ovi_g gpide_ ii
4 49