Begin OCR Text:
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__OUP 45
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F_g 4 ___ p_ope_ie_ $ha_ _Ith SUppo_ bearln0
F_ b 5 __(e,_ediate UniVe,tal JOlnt
j ange On 0ear DX
_ F_o_( u__ve,ga_ j_o_,_( 6 Rear propeller shaft
3 F_o_( ge_(,o_ Df p_ope__e, g_af( 1 Rear Un VefSal JO_nt
4 _ _ bea,__g 8 Flange On feaJ aXle
e h d d d t b,_a, type bea,_,g _s i___ed _, a rubber bear_ng hous_ng, wh_Ch
The prope__er shaft iS O t e IVl e U h i _ th
d F th F o,_ seçt,o, oF _s attaçhed to the propeller s a t tunne w_ a
,ee Fig 4-_ _ J The feaf e, O e F __ h F i.tt d
th F oi a sp_,,ed çove, see F_g q__ 1g The prope er s a t is i e
the p,ope__er sha_ I, l, e Or_ F
_ d ha_ wh,çh a_so w_th three u,_ve,,a_ jo_ntS Each jo_nt cons_sts o a
s_eeve _, thjs thefe IS a Sp l,e S h h _
_ th t ed_ate u,_ver ,p_de, wjth fou, g,ound trunn_ons w _C a,e Car- _
fo,_, one of the yo eS O, e l, er_ - i d_ b .
d F th F t ,eçt,o, oi the r_ed _n f_a,ge yokeS by means o nee e earl,gS
sa_ )o_nt The fear e, O e ,O,
p,,p,__,, ,haFt _s ça,,_ed j, a ball bearing The ball
_._ _ 3 _ _ _ 7 _
F_g 4 __$ SUppo_ be8rlllg '_
j F,o_( geo(ion of 7 Nul l
p,ope__e, g_af( 0 ffedr SeCtlon Of
_ F_oo, (u__e_ propeller sha(t vo__o _
j oug( oove, g _ubbe, oove, lO3227 i
4 g$__ bea,_,_g 1O W6ShEr
_ _ubbe, hougi_g 1t SUSpenS'On SPf_n9 _ b _(
_ i F_g 4 ll9 emov_ng O S
6 Ougt cuver l OVer _
4 48